It turns out, Trump’s campaign promises weren’t just talk.

It turns out, Trump’s campaign promises weren’t just talk. In August, the Trump administration halted a comprehensive study, launched by the National Academy of Sciences in early 2017, to assess the health effects of mountaintop removal, citing cost concerns. Meanwhile, Trump appointed as head of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration a former CEO of a coal company with a record of repeated safety violations, including at a mine where a preventable accident killed a miner in 2011. His energy department is investigating ways to force utility companies to subsidize coal company profits, reported Slate in Oct. 2017.

A fantastic read about the history and destruction of "coal country", also known as Appalachia. It's a story of libertarian wet-dreams where corporations own all the available resources, including state and local governments. The local people are uneducated, untrained for any other type of work and are at the beck and call of an industry that is killing them. And what do their politicians do? They take their bribes campaign contributions and keep handing out public resources to private ventures in the hopes that if you don't rock the boat you'll somehow end up with a bigger boat.



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