So far, the only voter fraud stories I've heard were committed by people voting Republican.

So far, the only voter fraud stories I've heard were committed by people voting Republican.

And apparently in states where they're passing massive voter restriction laws a "sincere belief" is enough to violate our sacred belief of one person, one vote:

sincerely believed that impersonating a dead person at her local polling place was not an act of voter fraud.


Steve Johnson said…
It's out there (example below). It's just that the mainstream media is Democratic Party biased, and doesn't want you to know about it... - Democratic Group HarrisonburgVOTES Registering Dead Voters in Virginia | People's Pundit Daily
Jason ON said…
There's paywall there, but registering dead voters is completely different than actual voting for someone else.

Unless they can prove the dead voters actually voted, it's apples and oranges.
James Karaganis said…
Actually, the mainstream media is not so much democratic party biased as it is corporate controlled.

That much was evident in the last election, and once you understand the degree of media consolidation that has occurred in the past few decades it becomes understandable. Not acceptable, mind you, but when a half dozen partially foreign-owned corporations control almost all of our much vaunted, once independent journalistic organizations, well, you can't expect accuracy or quality standards.
Steve Johnson said…
James Karaganis , OK, let me rewrite this. Yes, media outlets have been bought up and consolidated. But to answer Jason's original point, that there isn't any news about Democratic Party voter fraud, only suggests that media outlets are not reporting it. Or, is to suggest that Democrats are more honest than Republicans?
James Karaganis said…
No, I made no comment about the degree of media bias in either direction, and indeed it goes both ways. I was only noting that the Democratic Party is not solely in control of our nation's conventional media outlets.

Polling before, during and after the election did indicate substantial electoral fraud on the Democratic side (as distinct from voter fraud.) There was very little detected against Republican voters, because they didn't need to: they'd already committed their electoral fraud by large-scale gerrymandering long before the election took place.
Steve Johnson said…
James Karaganis For as long as I have been a voter, the subject of fraud has always come up. It just seems to take on larger legs when a Republican wins. But I don't translate that into meaning Republicans are cheaters, I translate that into the media not telling you the whole story. And perhaps the media knows their audience better than anyone else, and knows their sponsors better as well. Could it be that the story of conservative shenanigans markets better?
James Karaganis said…
No, gerrymandering is real, and in several major cases courts have been ordering politicians to redistrict their people to eliminate bias.
Steve Johnson said…
James Karaganis I agree that gerrymandering is real, but it is not limited to conservatives. How do you think the Democratic Party has been able to maintain a stranglehold in California?
David Simmons said…
I guess if she went to a fortune teller and she told her that her mother wanted her to vote for Trump it's OK. Too bad the fortune teller forgot to mention that the mother misses her and want her to join as soon as possible and Trump starting World War III will ghost the whole family.
Marla Caldwell said…
There are apparently a number of incidents in which people claim to have been inspired to vote twice for Trump because he convinced them that people would be voting twice for Clinton. The "sincerely held belief" excuse is crap. They didn't prosecute because they don't want that conviction on the record.

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