Someone should tell the Senators this is a basic "power move" by the #DonaldTrump White House.

Someone should tell the Senators this is a basic "power move" by the #DonaldTrump White House. Make them come to you. Trump is essentially reinforcing the idea that when he wants the Senate to do something, they do it.

It's also a move of weakness. When you have to maintain control to such an extent you're showing your insecurities.


And oddly, the executive people then went to Capitol Hill to brief the House.

So from a power play perspective, the House is more important than the Senate.

This doesn't negate the fact that Trump (like some other Presidents) considers both houses of Congress to be middle management underlings.
Jason ON said…
John E. Bredehoft not, the House isn't more important. It has significantly more people and therefore is much less harder to control. Imagine, is it harder to herd 100 head of cattle or over five hundred?
David Simmons said…
I think they missed the point, there are lots of rumors going around. Even though it's the same information they see in the news, now they know what is accurate and what is not, they don't have to guess, they were told. At least I hope they told them the truth.
David Simmons But why did 100 Senators have to go to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Why couldn't the briefers go down to Capitol Hill (which they did for the House of Representatives anyway)? Answer: executive power play to let the Commander in Chief appear (as the late Al Haig would say) "in charge."
Jason ON said…
David Simmons no, they now know what the Executive branch told them. Congress has it's own access to intelligence.
WSG Gallery said…
Interesting point Jason ON

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