Can a climate change denier learn to open their mind and see things from a fact-based perspective?

Can a climate change denier learn to open their mind and see things from a fact-based perspective?

Yes they can.

Can those who do see the light convince others of their new found enlightenment?


Steve Johnson said…
Very few people deny climate change. They deny that man has anything to do with it. And even if the ocean is rising, it won't happen overnight, nor in a few years. People will move inland, they won't drown.
Steve Johnson said…
Furthermore the climate change scare started when Gore's investment firms bought into a number of energy credit companies. That's when he put out his documentary. Created the mass hysteria needed to get people feeling guilty about driving cars.
Steve Johnson said…
Follow the money. Its the biggest fleecing of America. Gore paid scientists to write papers for his needs. When you throw enough grant money to keep a scientist employed for decades, of course he's going to tell you want to hear. - Al Gore could become world's first carbon billionaire
Jason ON said…
That first opinion piece is utter bullshit. None of them author's links support his claims and his claims are based on debunked data.

The second one, from the Telegraph, doesn't say what you claim it says. What it does state is that Gore is putting his money where his mouth is and investing in a world where people want to protect the planet, not exploit it for monetary gain. What's wrong with that?
Bodhipaksa said…
Funny how Al Gore has managed to bribe virtually every climate change scientist in the entire world. I wonder how that works?
Gord Wait said…
Steve Johnson oh bullshit. The multi trillion dollar oil business dwarfs the money in climate science, and they spend millions on anti-science propaganda, including paid internet trolls.
Gord Wait said…
Steve Johnson exactly. Follow the money right back to the oil companies who likely pay you to troll. What a dumb argument.
Steve Johnson said…
This discussion is not about oil companies, though I don't argue about big oil either. The OP called out on climate change deniers to see things from a fact-based perspective. So if you want to talk about facts, start with Al Gore hyping up climate change to boost his profits. Not saying that climate change does not exist either, just saying that it has always existed, and is not necessarily man's fault.
Bodhipaksa said…
"just saying that it has always existed, and is not necessarily man's fault."

The available scientific evidence suggests you are very, very wrong.
Gord Wait said…
Steve Johnson You keep trying to discredit climate change science with the theme that it's corrupted by money, yet you ignore that big oil is worth literally trillions and thus should (and does!) have a far more corrosive impact on facts. Illogical. How can you be so blind to not see the imbalance of oil profits vs science salaries? Oh, because "Al Gore". That's really pathetic.
Gord Wait said…
Since anti-science trolls are a major source of vitamin FakeNews, I've decided to encourage a campaign of just blocking all the anti-science trolls I come across. (Especially the blue-head variety).
Perhaps if every rational person did this google would notice the trend and add these people to their new Fake News filtering system.. Plus it robs the trolls of yet another platform to spew bullshit.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Notice how in the worldview of these idiot denialist trolls, everything bad comes from Gore, Clinton, or some other prominent democrat? You'd think that might be a clue that they are falling for politically motivated propaganda, but nope.
Jason ON said…
Roberto Bayardo in Steve Johnson​'s defense, he isn't a troll. I've met him in real life. He's good guy who just happens to fall on the side of libertarianism.
Steve Johnson said…
Roberto Bayardo Wrong. Right now, it's liberals bashing conservatives. It's always one side bashing the other, depending on who wins the last election cycle. If you've followed me at all, you'd know that I call bullshit on both liberals and conservatives because neither side is interested in protecting Americans, nor helping the poor, the sick, or anyone who needs help. Both only care about gives them money, Both are the same cancer, the only difference is where they get their money from.
Gord Wait said…
Jason ON Interesting, of course, pollution is the first place that the theory of Libertarianism breaks down, thus a major point of denialism.
The whole "do what I want as long as it doesn't bother anyone" thing doesn't work in the real world.

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