Because nothing says taking your job seriously like throwing yourself another self-aggrandizement party.

Because nothing says taking your job seriously like throwing yourself another self-aggrandizement party.

Originally shared by Chicago Tribune

Trump to hold 100th day rally on same night as White House Correspondents' Dinner

The White House did not offer additional details about where the rally would take place or what Trump's focus would be, referring questions to Trump's campaign apparatus. The campaign listed on its website an event scheduled for that night at 7:30 p.m. in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.


Bobby Ingram said…
Rally ??
INstead I believe we are deserving of you telling us exactly what occurred before you gave the command to attack Syria over a obvious False Flag.!
Bobby Ingram said…
WTF, that was the action of a drug addict or a man being Blackmailed.
Stand up Mr Trump tell the truth and lets see what kind of man you are...

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