If there's one thing Donald Trump is doing well is creating an environment where racists and bigots feel welcome to...

If there's one thing Donald Trump is doing well is creating an environment where racists and bigots feel welcome to step out of the shadows and into the light.


Charming fellow. Wouldn't look out of place in an SS uniform.
Christopher B said…
Exactly how is Trump doing this? Are you saying that "poof" all of sudden these guys just became like this because Trump is running for president?
Jason ON said…
Read what I wrote, christopher bell - rizzo​. Trump created an environment that allowed racists and bigots to leave the shadows for the light.
Christopher B said…
I did read it. Do you have proof that any of "these people" were not open about their beliefs before?
James Karaganis said…
Achtung, schweinhund!

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,

Kompanie halt!

Trump, HEIL!.
Trump, HEIL!
Trump, HEIL!

Kompanie marsch!

Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,
Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.
Christopher B said…
Alex Shull Sure guy..
Jason ON said…
I have proof the "Trump Youth" didn't exist before Trump became a media sensation.
James Karaganis said…
"What's in a name? A bigot by any other name would still smell like Trump."

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