I've said it before and I'll day it again: Trump made it okay for these people to come out into the light.

I've said it before and I'll day it again: Trump made it okay for these people to come out into the light. 

You know, like this woman: http://www.rawstory.com/2016/08/i-lost-the-nier-won-republican-alabama-mayor-loses-election-and-gets-racist-on-facebook/

While her timeline may have been private, she obviously felt comfortable enough in her racism to express herself.


Larry Poort said…
Where in the world did all this b..s. come from? The only sources I' ve have been hearing about this is from wacko liberals. Obviously a fear mongering, mis-information tactic from a group of panic driven people, afraid that Hillary is going to lose the race for POTUS. I call B.S. on every bit of detail in this post.

Once more I say, "liberalism is a mental disorder."
Glad Larry self-identified for me.
Jason ON said…
That's because you and your friends won't look into a mirror, Larry Poort​.
Larry Poort said…
Jason ON Hah! I've looked into many mirrors over my 72 yrs. My mantras have been "to yourself, be true." and "know yourself." Also, I've research this Alt-right and there is no such group nor organization. It's a made up name to describe extremist right leaning wacos. Even they didn't make up the term. That came from a left wing publication. Get on the internet and research it for yourself. You won't even need a mirror to find it.

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