I posted about the federal government cutting off the private prisons earlier today (which is a good thing) but this...

I posted about the federal government cutting off the private prisons earlier today (which is a good thing) but this post isn't about that, it's about ads on websites.

We all hate them, I think we can agree on that, but those ads are the bread and butter of a lot of good content. If you have a site you trust, consider adding them to your adblocker whitelist or subscribing to the site. Maybe, just maybe, you'll keep a poor writer from sleeping on the streets.

Originally shared by Irreverent Monk

People. You always said you hated web ads. But good reporting takes money. He shouldn't be reduced to this. His company shouldn't be reduced to this. Go subscribe or go donate.

And please re-share this, so that others know about it as well.

Max Rosenthal, one of the people who worked on this story, wrote on FB
I am genuinely sorry about this brief moment of Earnest Facebook, but this is important:

1) Two months ago we published a huge story about the horrific conditions in privately-run prisons. Today the DOJ announced it's no longer going to use corporate prisons to house its inmates.

2) That story cost us 18 months and $350,000 or so to produce. The online ads that ran with the story earned about $5,000.

Basically, I work with incredible, world-changing badasses, but our industry's funding methods are far too broken to pay for the stories that actually matter. So please consider donating or subscribing to MoJo so we can keep doing this stuff (or, if you don't care about that, maybe at least so I can keep paying my rent).



Too many ad-serving networks get compromised and send out poisoned ads with malware attached; I use ad-blockers as a first phase of virus-blocking.

I don't know what the solution is but I do hope we find one for the problem of paying for quality journalism like this.
Jason ON said…
Oh, I agree. Ads are a malware's first line attack.

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