He probably trusts Russian intelligence.

He probably trusts Russian intelligence.



Josh Gambino said…
It's because of the Russians that we know what was reported as an experimental rocket or whatever was really a warning shot from a Chinese submarine off the coast of Los Angeles
rosco dawg said…
Why should he, the current government said they were going to give him false information before hand.
Roger Finch said…
I can't wait until he blurts out something that he read at his classified briefing because one thing he can't seem to do is keep his mouth shut especially with juicy gossip material like that.
LOC DOWN said…
So how you Trump supporter feel about voting for Putin. Trump is more un-american than what you idiots believe Obama is.
Gene Vetter said…
If he thinks US intel is so bad, why did he even bother to show up at the briefing?
maybe good boy want to be good boy, but qweschin, maybe fake. ?
I see the libtards are at it again. Fucking pathetic trash
Anthony Lorenzo said…
Putin's lackey doesn't need Intel from the USA when he already has Russian updates.
William Smith said…
BREAKING NEWS CNN TRUMP got a gut feeling about U.S.INTELLIGENCE and85 of his supporters were hospitalized for foul order
The detail that was with the arrogant diplomat was a British Security Firm called Blue Mountain.
Nidani Batako said…
"" Obsolete ""!? "" Sunnism""!? "" Analyse"" "" Leftist..."" Exactly Why Bypass ""! MANAFORT! They are "" Tout puissant gigantic''! Be careful Sir though!
mikey morris said…
It's been confirmed that they were giving false security briefing to make it seem like isis was taking more losses then they are.
The above tirade is paranoid propaganda. And, confirmed by who ? I was just talking about Regans blood soaked hands with the death of real US Marines in Beruit. I remember his indiscriminate bombing. The white wash. Seems as if it has been wiped from history. Expect those who survived & those who will never forget.
Hillwood Lam said…
Let's be real. Trump doesn't like intelligence of any kind.
John Gordon said…
Neither does the US : )
Roger Finch said…
The last time our president chose to ignore intelligence reports terrorists hijacked and flew planes into the world trade center towers...

So what's Trump gonna do, ignore the intelligence reports that he doesn't like? Or is he just going to randomly make policy with no regard to national security intelligence?

Maybe he's skeptical of intel because they might try to tell him that Russia actually annexed part of Ukraine's country even though he believes Russia won't invade Ukraine...
mikey morris said…
Roger Finch all he said is he doesn't trust them. With good reason they have already been caught falsifying reports.
Roger Finch said…
mikey morris​ I dunno the headline of this post quotes him as saying he 'won't use them' which I interpreted to mean he won't rely on their intel.

This could mean he's going to disregard any intel that he doesn't want to believe or that he's just gonna wing it and not rely on intelligence reports at all.

Either way the president can't effectively make decisions on issues like terror threats abroad and domestically or our involvement in armed conflicts and such.

Edit: sorry meant to add 'without relying on intelligence briefings' on the end there.
William Smith said…
Well I guess they'll fly some planes maybe TRUMPS Jet will do I wander were it'll land??

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