Harley Davidson is having it's very own Volkswagen moment.

Harley Davidson is having it's very own Volkswagen moment. I'm guessing those super tuners already on the road will skyrocket in price after this.


Jim Nichols said…
This settlement immediately stops the sale of illegal after-market defeat devices used on public roads that threaten the air we breathe," said Cynthia Giles, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.

Meanwhile the oil industry is pumping millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico and the Keystone pipeline threatens the water supply of the Rosebud Sioux tribe. It is all bullshit anyway the "government" could give two squirts of piss... unless it is taxed.... about your ability to breathe.
Sash Walker said…
Government over reach to no real purpose. Complete bullshit. And I don't own a Harley, just some common sense.
Jason ON said…
Jim Bartosevich, I read it as that being part of the agreement between Harley and the EPA, not that the EPA dictated to HD.

And no, it's not an overreach at all. The rules were there and HD knowingly violated them.
Marc Ritchie said…
HD is ready to ship new, EPA compliant tuners to their dealers. I don't know, however, if they are going to replace the ones already sold, or if they are still able to cover any warranty claims on the old tuners.
Rania Linderman said…
So what about Dynojet Power Commander V units or Vance and Hines FP3? They are aftermarket tuners that work the same way as Harley. What happens to this industry when you hault the bread winner of them all.....HD.
Jason ON said…
Jim Bartosevich, OEM and third party (after market) manufacturers are ruled by different laws and regulations. This is true in just about every industry. Apples and oranges, my friend. Apples and oranges.

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