The Donald Drumpf Trump guide to writing text books.

The Donald Drumpf Trump guide to writing text books.

via Marla Caldwell​

Originally shared by Valkyrie

WTF, Texas? Have you been listening to Steve King again?


Lorne Thomas said…
What does that have to do with Trump? Just what sort of directions is Correct The Record giving you any way? Or is this a freelance bat shit crazy post of your own?
Dave Maez said…
Jason ON - Your stalker's getting extra creepy and desperate.
Lorne Thomas said…
Dave Maez when you don't have any thing of substance to say you resort to personal attacks, like the simpleton that you are. Do the world two favors, don't vote and don't breed.
Dave Maez said…
Lorne Thomas - Sweet Jeebus, you're fucking delusional. "Jason, you're a crazy HRC shill." followed by, "Waaa! Don't do personal attacks against me!" I see your skin is just as thin and your logic is just as broken as Trump's.

Grow the fuck up, you creep.
Lorne Thomas said…
Dave Maez white knighting for a dude, how gay.
Jason ON said…
Dave Maez, yes he is. As you can see, I've grown to just ignoring him. Let him embarrass himself.

On any given day I'm a (1) Republican operative, (2) Hillary shill, (3) Illuminati ambassador or (4) agent of the NWO.
Lorne Thomas said…
We digress from Jason ON's original assertion that Donald Trump has something to do with the text book, which clearly he does not. Just more small minded propaganda designed to appeal to the low brow and unintelligent.
Jason ON said…
It's called hyperbole.
Lorne Thomas said…
No Jason ON, it's not.
Lorne Thomas said…
Then your execution shows a distinct lack of prior planing, and your performance is poor.

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