The Donald Drumpf is hosting an AMA. Does he know how much people don't like him?

The Donald Drumpf is hosting an AMA. Does he know how much people don't like him?

Originally shared by Filippo Salustri

Drumpf is going to host a Reddit AMA on Wednesday.
I am so hoping that goes how it really ought to go.
This may be the first time I actually "tune in" to an AMA.


Terence Reale said…
oh fuck! this will be epic!
Sean Cowen said…
Why does this motherf***er always look orange??? I don't get it!
Lorne Thomas said…
Sean Cowen because the media photoshops the shit out of him as part of the collusion with the Clinton Super PAC's and the DNC ( apparently they are one and the same ). Just keep focused on the spray tan and take no notice of how the DNC stole the election.
Cannot wait to see this db get roasted.
Sean Cowen Just because he IS orange. ;-) He uses the wrong colored spray tan, that is all.... and it's just like his hair people - no one wants to tell him that he looks really bad. :-)
Lorne Thomas said…
Look at the shirt and teeth, it's an obvious photoshop.
Lorne Thomas said…
What? You expect him to do it to the Correct The Record shills and Hillary's brainless zombies? All the smart Democrats were with Bernie and now are voting for Trump. You can't support the kind of corruption that Clinton/DNC stands for now if you want to see the nation stay out of war for the next four years, and the American people to be prosperous and free.

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