So ... that happened.

So ... that happened.

Originally shared by Irreverent Monk

APB: This is NOT the Florida man. Repeat. This is NOT the Florida man!!

Man steals human brain named "Freddy" and uses it to get high.


Wow! I was sure I was about to read satire.
I'm having so much trouble figuring out this article. Much is mentioned about the human brain - but from what I can gather, the brain is actually not involved? There is talk of embalming fluid being used in order to get high, so I have to assume that the brain is actually IN A JAR in the fluid, and not just a human brain sitting in a Walmart carrier bag. The only thing that is really weird about the whole thing - is that if the fluid is the only important part - it's a wonder they didn't just throw the brain away and keep the jar of fluid?

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