If true, even Bush (II) sees it and if he can see it, you know it's blatant.

If true, even Bush (II) sees it and if he can see it, you know it's blatant.


Jason ON said…
Good to have confirmation.
Bryce Miller said…
He wasn't qualified to be president. He's a mediocre human. His last name got him into power and he was inept at wielding it for the good of the world. His entire presidency was a disgrace. He increased the lead allowed in water, he increased the pollution allowed from coal plants, he increased the tax breaks for billionaires, he granted special favors to wealthy buddies. If no one trusts his party ever again, it's largely his fault and that of the people that elected him. It's his fault Trump got nominated rather than a normal Republican. We need to stop putting shitty people in power. Being wealthy or famous should not be a prerequisite for power.
Nick McIntosh said…
Bob Dole, the 1996 GOP nominee and the only living Republican presidential choice who is attending the convention, has criticized Republicans who are skipping it.


How many dead Republican presidential choices are attending?

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