How long before the Trump supporters claim some sort of Hillary conspiracy?

How long before the Trump supporters claim some sort of Hillary conspiracy?

Originally shared by ABC News

10 Organizers for the RNC Hit With Norovirus in Cleveland


Nonsense. It's all because of Republican neglect of the infrastructure. Thanks, Dubya!
Lorne Thomas said…
Why, is that what Correct The Record wants?
Jeff Chapman said…
About 4 or 5 months ago, I think
Lorne Thomas said…
Lee Grupsmith-Pedersen democrats have bee on control of Cleveland with 9 of the las 11 mayors back to 1942, and The last 7 years Obama hasn't done enough to satisfy you apparently.
Lorne Thomas I freely admit I know absolutely nothing about Cleveland, other than that it's in Ohio and how to spell it. My previous remark was in the spirit of snark.

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