Your hate rhetoric has real life consequences.

Your hate rhetoric has real life consequences. I'm looking at you, Fox News​ commenters, Rafael Ted Cruz and everyone else to the far right.


via Marla Caldwell​


David Kutcher said…
Not trying to argue as this is just disgusting, but I don't think Fox is to blame for spouting this crap. Instead, they're to blame for normalizing it for the people that believe these things. Those people, rather than keeping their hatred to themselves because they believe they're the minority, instead feel empowered into believing their the oppressed majority, and thusly in the right for defending their beliefs.
Jason ON said…
David Kutcher and that's exactly why I said "Fox News commenters" and not Fox News, itself. But yes, they've normalized it to some degree. People like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and countless other conservative "leaders" aren't helping when they stand before reporters and microphones demonizing a minority. They just encourage bigots to leave the shadows, like the case of the woman screaming at shoppers in Target while holdering her bible: .

Let's just hope impressionable people are seeing this an recognize this for what it is and not as an ideal to emulate.
Lorne Thomas said…
You sure are filled with hatred and bigotry today Jason ON.
Bodhipaksa said…
Hate speech does have consequences, and it's neither hateful nor bigoted to point that out, Lorne Thomas.
Lorne Thomas said…
Bodhipaksa read the post, then the link, do a compare and contrast, and quit being a village idiot.
Bodhipaksa said…
Complaining about one person being hateful and calling another a "village idiot"? Have you heard of psychological projection, Lorne Thomas?
Lorne Thomas said…
Bodhipaksa I'm seeing it right now, thanks for the demonstration. Guess you are good for some thing after all, an example for the rest of us on how not to be.
Bodhipaksa said…
I'm psychologically projecting that you criticized one person for being "hateful" and then called another a "village idiot," Lorne Thomas? LOL! Thanks for reminding me where the block button is :)
Bodhipaksa said…
Is that guy always such an asshole?
Bodhipaksa said…
I rather suspected he might be. It doesn't take much (or anything) to set him off.
Lorne Thomas said…
Well guess Bodhipaksa just can't stand the ugly truth and has to run away and hide. Probably talking shit too, now that he has me blocked. What a sociopath.
eruditeamber said…
Are you freaking kidding me? When has Fox News told anyone to go beat people up if they don't like the way they look? Grow up and quit trying to educate us on morals. You're probably one of the geniuses that thinks it's OK to perform experiments on aborted babies but not on animals. No thanks.
Jason ON said…
Ah yes, Lorne Thomas, Bodhipaksa is a sociopath because he doesn't like your incessant hate speech. That makes perfect sense.
Lorne Thomas said…
I don't know Jason ON you are the one making gross generalizations about people and by all appearances it looks like you are making a racial comment about Cruz.. Seems to me you are doing some projecting of your own. But it sure must suck to get called out on your narrow minded bigotry and the narrow minded biggest who stand up for you get it too.

So tell me again what political party you associate your self with and who's got you vote in 2016?
Lorne Thomas said…
There you go posting opinions and editorials as fact again as well as making more baseless assert anions as truth. You really ate that fuck up and went back for seconds.
Jason ON said…
I have to assume you were hit on the head with something hard, Lorne Thomas.
Lorne Thomas said…
Once again with the baseless accusations. You really have a problem with reality.
Jason ON said…
Right there, Lorne Thomas. You don't know the difference between an assumption and an accusation. Thus proving my point.
Bodhipaksa said…
I'm so glad I'm missing half of this conversation :)
Jason ON said…
You should be, Bodhipaksa.
Lorne Thomas said…
What ever, your nothing but a small minded bigot who believes all the propaganda he reads on the Internet. You are a dis race to Democrats every where.
Jason ON said…
So, Lorne Thomas​, one minute I'm a Trump supporter and the next I'm a disgrace to Democrats? Maybe you're bipolar.
Lorne Thomas said…
There you go again with the simple minded come backs. Substantial lack of substance and moral fiber. Heck, sounds like a fitness report.
Jason ON said…
Feel free to unfollow me, then.
Lorne Thomas said…
And give up on the army of intellectual indigents on your posts?

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