Pretty soon you're going to be able to know exactly how much sugar is in your food.

Pretty soon you're going to be able to know exactly how much sugar is in your food.


Tom McGill said…
This is going to backfire so bad. And the HFCS industry rejoices.
Jason ON said…
We'll see. I'm a huge fan of informed consumers, so hopefully this will play out as desired. But, you're probably correct, Tom McGill​.
Tom McGill said…
Nah, this one is painfully obvious. It was already tested with Gatorade vs Poweraide. Poweraide had "fewer calories" because it used HFCS so Gatorade went from cane sugar to HFCS because Coca Cola (Poweraide) said there was way too many calories (insignificant really); which I don't think is good for anyone. Gatorade when to HFCS just because it was "fewer calories" despite the fact that there is growing evidence (real world as oppose to basic science... the basic science part knows that fructose is bad) that HFCS is bad for metabolism/liver physiology.
Tom McGill said…
Dictated, not read.
Jason ON said…
Tom McGill , "dictated, not read?"
Tom McGill said…
I used Google's speech to text and I'm sure it didn't get everything quite right.

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