That electronic privacy thing?

That electronic privacy thing? Yeah, the FBI still wants to erase that idea from society. Don't worry, if they can't get the info they want from you, they can get it from your ISP, a server or service provider. The way everything's in the cloud now, the FBI - or any government agency, really - doesn't need to come after you or me personally. They can go after Google, Dropbox, Microsoft or Facebook directly, leaving you alone to pretend you have privacy because no one's knocking on your door.


Michael Meyer said…
and with microsoft updating op systems to windows 10 without consent. Writing POPP type software. (Office 365)
Planned Obsolescence of Proprietary Programs. to keep revinue streams flowing
I am more worried about Microsoft then the government
Jason ON said…
Microsoft isn't upgrading without consent, they're merely making it difficult to give non-consent.
Michael Meyer said…
Jason ON is that what they did? It was kind of funny 5 of the PC at work overnight got upgraded from windows 7. I have been running windows 10 on this surface pro but at work I upgraded my PC several months ago the guys that got upgraded are all in there mid 20's and are gamers they are having a hard time with it. I am helping them. This new generation has no patience to learn things if its not intuittive to them its hard.
They are gamer's x-box and PS2 users no PC users so they are struggling... Me the old man helps them with the PC. they swear they did not do anything to upgrade it just happened last monday..
Jason ON said…
That would be part of the "difficult to give non-consent." Microsoft, for a while - not sure if it's still applicable - made the Win10 update automatic if you don't deny it.

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