
Wow. It's been a long time since I've seen The Wheel of Fortune but I never knew Pat Sajak was a moron (in real life).

Originally shared by Tom Moncho

Pat Sajak Says People Concerned About Climate Change Are 'Unpatriotic Racists'

You're an unpatriotic racist if you're concerned about climate change?Why am I not surprised that he's a moron? Maybe he's sharing a brain with Vanna White.


Theresa Reel said…
right? And apparently it is not an isolated moment of stupid ..
I am actually surprised.
Lorne Thomas said…
Climate change. Too full of believers and deniers...
John Hardy said…
Too full of people who can't tell the difference between truth and fiction.
Randy Patton said…
You know he's from TN, right? He's just running with the Southern Conservative philosophy. (Most of them are too ignorant to live. I moved from there to VA hoping it was a step up.......dammit.)
Chris Moore said…
The world. Too full of people who can't tell the difference between believing and treating as true for all practical purposes on the basis of resoundingly solid evidence.

I suspect, in absence of any evidence to the contrary, that the "racist" thing is pure rubber-glue. Al Gore compared climate deniers to racists (he didn't really - he said that denialism was likely to become less and less socially acceptable in the same way as with racism and homophobia - but the headlines said "Al Gore says climate deniers are racists!", so that's what we've got), and in the minds of the catastrophically unreflective, the perfect ripose is "no, you're racist!". Because when you're poo-flinging, it doesn't matter if you're flinging your own poo or someone else's.

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