Woo Hoo! Sex!

Woo Hoo! Sex!

Originally shared by Paul M Edwards

I found this very interesting, especially that the best likelihood of orgasm was when receiving anal sex: 100% for males and 93.5% for females.


lol this "study" always kills me. They don't word it clearly enough. 100% of men who received anal sex orgasmed. It could have just been 1 of the 1048 men received anal sex and he orgasmed. Useless statistics without numbers to provide context.
Chuck Jackson said…
Ummm... I have vaginal sex with my wife and I guarantee you I have an orgasm 100% of the time. WTFRAK is the point of this study?
Jason ON said…
I don't know what the point is other than, infograph. Oh, and dudes apparently like anal.

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