This week I had a chance to sit down and watch two recent zombie movies. Oddly enough, both movies were based on books. The first movie, Warm Bodies , based on the book Warm Bodies , by Isaac Newton and World War Z , loosely based on the graphic novel, World War Z , by Max Brooks. While I am a fan of the supernatural style books, movies and TV shows, I've never really been a fan of the zombie genre which, for some reason, seems to have been popular for the past couple of years with pop culture phenomena like The Walking Dead , Zombieland , the Resident Evil (movie) franchise and even the comedy, Shaun of the Dead. For me, zombies are boring. Traditionally, these undead have been cast as slow brain-hungry bodies that mill about seeking fresh meat, also in the form of brains. More modern incantations of the zombie lore have taken these slow decaying bodies and put them in faster, athletic self-healing roles supposedly to add a heightened scare factor to a world that moves at the...