
Showing posts from August, 2013

An Evening at the Dog Park

I didn't bring my dSLR to the dog park and I really wish I had considering the amazing sunset I witnessed. These were taken with my Android and edited with Snapseed. I especially love the one with the last ray of sunshine escaping over the mountains, red against the bluish clouds behind.
Couldn't figure out why Chromecast wasn't casting... and then it hit me, I'm in Firefox today. Oops.

My answers resulted in a score of 6 out of 10. And you? Do you know your Taylor Swifts from your Hitlers?

My answers resulted in a score of 6 out of 10. And you? Do you know your Taylor Swifts from your Hitlers? Originally shared by Casey McKinnon Wow. Great social experiment.

If Republicans can't defeat Obamacare at the federal level, then why not be obstructionists at the state level?

If Republicans can't defeat Obamacare at the federal level, then why not be obstructionists at the state level? You know, to go out of their way to  make it difficult or impossible for those who need the insurance the most to be the least likely to be able to obtain it. Originally shared by Ken Latta Just confirmation of Sabotage amongst Neo-Confederate doings:

School That Gave Controversial Creationist Quiz Is Closing

So, a little something funny happened. WWJD? Oh yeah, he'd close the school for teaching ignorance.

Brilliant Idea!

I caught this video via a link from a +huffington post article I was reading and I have to say, this is a fantastic idea! Especially since Congress is in no way involved with naming storms. After seeing this video, I encourage everyone to go to the website and sign their petition.

via Stacie Dauffenbach

via Stacie Dauffenbach  Ouch! Originally shared by Chris Sewell The Gsxr Ejection Seat source video:  Gsxr Ejection Seat

Great list of online photostoring tools out there!

Great list of online photostoring tools out there! I haven't heard of most of these, just Flickr, SmugMug and of course, Google+ . Well, and SkyDrive, but like the article says, it's more for files, not images. Originally shared by Ken Yeung The Verge's Ellis Hamburger and Casey Newton have put together a great list of cloud storage apps that you can use to store your photos safely and securely. Well worth a read.

via mike quinn

via mike quinn Only ten years? These people are deplorable and should be kept in a cage for 22 hours a day and barely fed. Originally shared by Ashlie Cullen Makes me sick. Poor pups. 10 year ban isn't long enough, and they amount they have to contribute towards vet bills isn't enough. Scum.

Understanding the difference between progressive and libertarian economic policy using a metaphor most Americans can...

Understanding the difference between progressive and libertarian economic policy using a metaphor most Americans can understand.  Go Bill! Originally shared by Rich LaDuca Bill Nails It!

I originally got this from Chuck Onassis, but his share didnn't pull in the video so I'm sharing anew.

I originally got this from Chuck Onassis, but his share didnn't pull in the video so I'm sharing anew. This is a great video!

Is there a way to search for people's comments?

Is there a way to search for people's comments? I know in Buzz we could search a u-name and then filter by posts , comments and mentions , but G+ doesn't have those filters. If I search my name I can see my posts, my comments and my +mentions here, but Chrissy Morin claims not to be able to find those about herself and I can't find any comments and few +mentions of her when I search, either. For a frame of reference, hit the link and read through.

Because I didn't know this and I doubt you did either.

Because I didn't know this and I doubt you did either. Because the words of Thomas Alexandre Dumas prove our nation was not founded one any one religious principle. Because no person is less than another because of circumstance of birth, but by access to and application of knowledge. Originally shared by James Dubreze Today - On Dr. King's Day One of the BLACK Founding Fathers of the United States of America, Thomas Alexandre Dumas: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” To my knowledge, the term “Endowed by Their Creator” mean to be given the Power to do, whereas the phrase “Unalienable Rights”  signify the Right to live, The Right of a Natural life and the Right of Liberty. But the term “Their Creator” to me is not synonymous to one God for the simple fact that people have worshiped different Gods througho...


Wow. Colorado didn't even make this list. Denver (supposedly) has a thriving international I/E industry, but I'm guessing, not as thriving as Davenport, IA or Salt Lake City, UT.

Whether you were a fan of Calvin and Hobbs or not, this is still a great blog post about following your dreams, even...

Whether you were a fan of Calvin and Hobbs or not, this is still a great blog post about following your dreams, even if that means taking a less popular route to get there.

If ever there was a reason to star being an atheist and stop being a follower, here it is.

If ever there was a reason to star being an atheist and stop being a follower, here it is. Originally shared by Tom Eigelsbach This gets the WTF?? award of the week! It's like Texas has returned to the Dark Ages. A measles outbreak in Texas traces to a congregation of a megachurch whose leader, Kenneth Copeland, reportedly has warned followers away from vaccines, advocating for "faith healing" and pushing the idiotic, totally debunked notion that vaccines cause autism.

On Saturday I had a very interesting experience and I realized how much I didn't know about Kuwaiti culture or...

On Saturday I had a very interesting experience and I realized how much I didn't know about Kuwaiti culture or Muslim etiquette.

An Unexpected Dinner

Or, How I had Dinner with a Muslim Family. It was a hot day -- a really hot day. However, the clouds were rolling in, the air was cooling down and I was on a mission. Camera in hand, I'd decided to head up to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge , formerly a superfund site and now I hint of Colorado from ages past just north of Denver. The idea was to capture the sunset as it lit up the golds and greens of Colorado's plains and perhaps, if the gods were kind, to catch a brilliant light show among the clouds. Unfortunately for me and the three or four people who look at my pictures, the Refuge closes at 6PM and the Sun doesn't set until closer to 9PM. :sad face: So where to, that was the question. I decided to head south, dreams of dinner possibilities filling my head. Pizza? A burger? Go healthy and have some oatmeal? I didn't have to worry about my dog as he was gone on his own adventure with my roommate and that's when it hit me: Cherry C...


Here's another sunset in Colorado. Why? Because we've been having some great cloud work during the evenings and I've been wanting to get great pictures of the sunsets. These are Android shots, edited with Snapseed.

Public Art

Grabbed this picture of aome public art at the Aurora (CO) municipal complex. This is actually one half of a sundial. As nearly always, this is an Android shot edited in different ways using the Snapseed app.

Sunset on the Lake

Took the dSLR out to the lake today and grabbed some sunset shots. These are the Android pictures I took with my Note II and edited with Snapseed. Hopefully sooner or later I'll get the pics off the Pentax and edit them for sharing too.

Surrey Ridge

I know I haven't posted too often recently, but I also haven't been taking too many pictures lately. Oops. I've just been in a funk and not feeling artsy. I apologize. These were taken yesterday near Surrey Ridge at the Douglas Co. open space dog park. The one image (and since I'm posting this mobile I have no idea which one it is) is grainy on purpose. I added grain to the image on purpose but might have overdone it a little. What do you think? [Edit: looks like it's the middle one]

I saw a movie.

I saw a movie. Well, two actually but they had a common thread: Zombies. No, not the Glenn Beck kind, the brain-hungry kind. The real brain hungry kind.

A Tale of Two Zombie (Movies)

This week I had a chance to sit down and watch two recent zombie movies. Oddly enough, both movies were based on books. The first movie, Warm Bodies , based on the book Warm Bodies , by Isaac Newton and World War Z , loosely based on the graphic novel, World War Z , by Max Brooks. While I am a fan of the supernatural style books, movies and TV shows, I've never really been a fan of the zombie genre which, for some reason, seems to have been popular for the past couple of years with pop culture phenomena like The Walking Dead , Zombieland , the Resident Evil (movie) franchise and even the comedy, Shaun of the Dead. For me, zombies are boring. Traditionally, these undead have been cast as slow brain-hungry bodies that mill about seeking fresh meat, also in the form of brains. More modern incantations of the zombie lore have taken these slow decaying bodies and put them in faster, athletic self-healing roles supposedly to add a heightened scare factor to a world that moves at the...

Gotta Have the Blues

In my opinion Blues Music should be slow, low and smooth. It shouldn't be upbeat or quick in tempo. I found this 5 hour blues mix on YouTube by accident and I just love coming back to it. Some people I know like to talk about music they "code to" and George Lucas said he likes to write scripts and stories to the classics.I write, too. I write the occasional blog post, but more importantly I write stories (when I'm not distracted by social media or blog posts) and this is the sort of music to which I like to write.

How does your apple taste now?

How does your apple taste now? Originally shared by Kryptyk Physh Seriously, Apple?

Perhaps with his notariety John Grisham can BRI g more attention to the atrocities committed in yours and mine names.

Perhaps with his notariety John Grisham can BRI g more attention to the atrocities committed in yours and mine names.

Does a judge have the right to change a child's given name for religious reasons?

Does a judge have the right to change a child's given name for religious reasons? Originally shared by Brenda Curtis It's just a word. If parents can name there child River, Sarah, Apple, Ezekiel, Blue, then Messiah shouldn't be a problem. And oh hey, IT'S NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S business!

Starting tomorrow I'm going to experiment with myself and Google+.

Starting tomorrow I'm going to experiment with myself and Google+. I'm going to use another Google account on Google+ exclusively. If I'm tagged in, I may or may not respond, but starting Monday I will not be checking this account until next week. No, I'm not sharing the other account as I want to see what kind of people follow me or find me based on what I post, not shared circles, comments, communities or pages. Image not related.

For the golden years.

For the golden years. Oh, and where do I get one? Originally shared by Chris Phenomenal Swag

If you're not laughing right now then you haven't seen the funniest little video in the world.

If you're not laughing right now then you haven't seen the funniest little video in the world. Originally shared by Travis Wise Finally, a good use for a 6-second looping video...

I wasn't expecting that at all.

I wasn't expecting that at all.

Stormdancer, a book review

"What's that? You say you've got a Japanese steampunk novel with mythic creatures, civil unrest, and a strong female protagonist? I'm afraid I missed everything you said after 'Japanese steampunk.' That's all I really needed to hear." ~  +Patrick Rothfuss   I have a library card. Yes, it's arcane in a world of digital books and eBook readers to visit the library, but I'm a fan of hand held books. Hand held books have a look and feel that eReaders just can't duplicate; they never run out of batteries and no one ever hung they Kindle or Nook on the wall so others could peruse their collection like one would a bookshelf. eReaders just aren't conversation pieces like a spread of magazines on a coffee table or book spines showing from every nook and cranny in your living room, study, office or wherever. While at the library a couple of weeks ago returning some movies and a book I happened upon this book, Stormdancer . The c...

This is the America you get when you don't pay attention to the news, public policy and corruption.

This is the America you get when you don't pay attention to the news, public policy and corruption. This is the police you get when you allow the government unfettered power without constraints limits. This is the government you get when those with the guns tell you they don't have to abide by the law because they are the law.

Something odd happening with Blogger today.

Something odd happening with Blogger today. I keep losing all my formatting each time I Save the post. Not to mention I can't preview new posts to verify the formatting of the post is proper without publishing. Oddly enough, I also noticed the Dynamic Views views are gone. No more Flipboard, etc in the black bar. Is anyone else seeing this?

Do you like scary movies?

Do you like scary movies? Well, do ya, Punk? Some of us do, some don't. I happen to love them if they're done well. The other day I went and saw The Conjuring on referral by a friend who said it was terrifying. Granted this friend is very christian and I think the movie scared him more than it would me (much like the Exorcist is scarier to believers than non-believers).

The Conjuring, a movie review

I saw a movie. Well, let's face it, I've seen a lot of movies, but this is the most recent movie I've seen (in the theater anyway). And let's also face it, I find the supernatural fascinating. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's because the supernatural is sort of like proto-science. And using modern understanding of physics and psychology can explain away a vast majority of the supernatural but then what's left? What do we have when something can't be explained? That's the real terror -- no knowing.  Science explains. Science brings us comfort in a world we work to understand. In my opinion, one of the worst things a "spooky" movie can do is explain what's spooky. By creating an explanation the story tellers are taking the terror of the unknown right out of the story. The Conjuring does that. The movie starts off with a, well, a prelude -- a very creepy prelude about a doll that haunts two girls. This prel...

I've noticed this on G+ as well.

I've noticed this on G+ as well. Memes, Sendcards ( or whatever they're called) and others trying to convey a thought in way less than 140 characters. Heck, I've even laughed at a few. However, are these things destroying the foundation of communication and that being the ability to create a coherent thought and express it in a manner that can withhold criticism? I think so. Go ahead, find one of these things in your stream or wall or wherever and disagree with the sentiment. Call it an experiment if you want. Watch how the OP or their adherents will treat you. The art of communicating respectfully and with discussion seems to be dwindling. The Writing on the Wall: How Facebook is destroying our capacity for political debate.

Are the mysteries of physics not found in string theory or quantum mechanics but instead found in 100 year old...

Are the mysteries of physics not found in string theory or quantum mechanics but instead found in 100 year old technology that we take for granted? We still don’t really know how bicycles work.

I didn't realize bots were as prolific as this article makes them seem.

I didn't realize bots were as prolific as this article makes them seem. I thought it was just a (relatively) small handful of people out there, but it appears to be much more broad than I ever imaged. Of course, I'm old skool and prefer to do business face to face when I can so I probably just haven't run across it enough to have bots on the mind. The Bot Wars: or why you can never buy concert tickets online.

Via Emlyn O'Regan

Via Emlyn O'Regan This needs to be a thing. Seriously. Originally shared by Jeremy Couch The cops wearing the cameras dramatically reduced their violent episodes, while the cops in the same department without cameras continued their rampage. (Light Bulb moment)

What's it like to look through a time portal? Probably something like this.

What's it like to look through a time portal? Probably something like this. Great photography project!

The price of progress or is Verizon just being a PIA?

The price of progress or is Verizon just being a PIA? Personally I think copper is/should be going the way of the dodo and more modern technologies need to take center stage. Islanders fire up over telecom giant's plans.

Today, August 8, 2013 is the day to go buy a Blizzard.

Today, August 8, 2013 is the day to go buy a Blizzard. Have some good ice cream at the same time as helping some kids out.  What could be better?

There's a lot of words here I've been using wrong. Oops.

There's a lot of words here I've been using wrong. Oops.

The civility of the Right always impresses me.

The civility of the Right always impresses me. 5 Memorable Moments When Town Hall Meetings Turned To Rage.

This is f*cling ridiculous!! For the sake of argument let's say she did consent, that doesn't mean the guard should.

This is f*cling ridiculous!! For the sake of argument let's say she did consent, that doesn't mean the guard should. Not only that, but as the article states, the age of consent in Louisiana is 17, not 14. Originally shared by Chris Fink (OLD PROFILE) Has there ever been a more extreme case of victim-blaming?

A little auto awesome from our walk this morning after a bird pooped on me (see earlier post).

A little auto awesome from our walk this morning after a bird pooped on me (see earlier post).

Someone asked this question yesterday but I can't recall who.

Someone asked this question yesterday but I can't recall who. Andrew Maxwell commented he prefers a clean workspace and I commented I prefer a messy one. Now the experts speak. ;) Why Having A Messy Desk Can Be A Good Thing.

A Walk With the Dogs

Here are a couple of shots from this morning's walk with the dogs over at Cherry Creek State Park. The day is overcast but not the greatest light especially considering I was shooting with my Note II (also the device I'm posting from). I wanted to bring my dSLR and tripod but trying to hold on to two leashes while setting up equipment didn't sound like fun to me. As always, these mobile shots were edited with Snapseed for Android.

Out walking the dogs and a bird just pooped on me! Can you believe that?

Out walking the dogs and a bird just pooped on me! Can you believe that?

I've never heard of Bass Reeves before and now I wish I would have.

I've never heard of Bass Reeves before and now I wish I would have. Sure, I've heard of the all black towns that erupted in the west after the Civil War, but never have I heard of this man. He sounds amazing! I need to read more on his history.

Tech Support

What a week in tech support , he says in exasperation! First  +Dish Network . A few months ago, after trial after trial after trial (notice the lack of tribulations) of using  +Century Link  DSL service, my roommate changed the service provider for our internet to Dish Network who recently entered the ISP game by reselling or repackaging, the Century Link product. The good news, though, is customers who switched to Dish didn't have to deal with Century Link tech support anymore, just their shoddy service. Over the course of the switch from service providers, there have been a few hiccups, but for the most part everything has seemed fine -- when there was an outage lasting long enough to warrant a call to tech support Dish Customer Service was friendly, courteous and efficient: the complete and utter opposite of Century Link's customer care. And then Monday happened. Monday morning the internet connection at the house worked fine. I social networked, I job search...

Well, that about sums up reality.

Well, that about sums up reality. Too bad the people who watch Fox News will never watch this video and if they do somehow come across it, they'll claim John is a terrorist apologist. Isn't that the new fad term for anyone who defends facts over fiction, an apologist?

Contrary to popular belief, Samsung Mobile is moving forward with Tizen.

Contrary to popular belief, Samsung Mobile is moving forward with Tizen.

Okay British people, what are you guys doing over there?

Okay British people, what are you guys doing over there?

Via Brian Wisti

Via Brian Wisti Don't read this, it will ruin your day. Originally shared by KOMO News Law-enforcement officials said a man who was arrested for allegedly attaching an explosive device to his dog and detonating it on Sunday killed the dog after a dispute with his daughter.


When I say I'm a *Star Wars* fan I mean I'm a *Star Wars* fan -- not a CosPlayer or convention devotee, but a fan of the Universe George Lucas created and the cultures that dwell within that Universe. I remember being a kid and eagerly awaiting the answer to the greatest question of the time: was Darth Vader really Luke Skywalker's father?  I remember going to a theater in Satellite Beach, FL that was having a *Star Wars* marathon of the first two movies in preparation of the release of Return of the Jedi . It might have been the first or second time in my life I saw a movie by myself since my mother was less than interested in seeing these films. I remember watching Jedi in disbelief as Obi-wan Kenobi explained to Luke how Vader was his father, turning the Universe upside down for an 8 (or 9) year old boy. There came many a weekend afternoon watching the movies in syndication and many hundreds of hours watching them on VHS before George Lucas changed the film...

No Network

Come on,  +T-Mobile , all I wanted was to be able to tell my friend his keys were indeed in my truck. That's it. Is that too much to ask?

I ran across this on Youtube earlier today and I'm a fan.

I ran across this on Youtube earlier today and I'm a fan. This is the sort of blues I love. Granted, I didn't know of a subgenre called "romantic" blues, but hey, I'm always learning. With the Chromecast I was able to send this to my receiver and listen on the big speakers. Yes, you can feel jealous. ;) [edited to fix spelling]

Alrighty boys and girls, I just added a bunch more people to the community.

Alrighty boys and girls, I just added a bunch more people to the community.  A hearty Welcome to those of you newly in! For those of you who didn't make it, let me once again reiterate my policy on letting people into this community: This is a motorcycle rider's community. I peruse each and every person's Profile before admitting them to the fun. If you're profile doesn't have something indicating you're a motorcycle rider (and by something I mean anything at all ) then I'm not letting you in. Sorry. This could be pictures, posts about riding or even something in your About section citing your love of two-wheeled transportation. Like I said, anything . But I Do Love Motorcycles! It's right there in my name! Yes, you're username is motorcycle-this or Rider-that but then we get into your profile a little more. Are you posting? If not, then why do you want to be a part of this community?  Are you only posting one thing -- such as an advertisement f...

I'm laughing. Uncontrollably.

I'm laughing. Uncontrollably. Originally shared by Jay Zalowitz #techstars made a funny.

Anyone review?

Anyone review? I know Amelia Sides does an I will review an occasional book on my blog, but it's more for me than anyone else. However, Jessica Mills is looking for reviewers. Originally shared by Jessica Mills Calling all book reviewers! I have some great suspense thrillers from Deanie Mills for you. Comment with your review blog link and I'll send one!

I ate.

I ate.

I'll admit, I watched this show last night.

I'll admit, I watched this show last night. I didn't know about actors or fake whale killings or any of these things, though and I guess I was duped by the Discovery Channel. Originally shared by Christie Wilcox Was the real awesome science of Megalodon really not enough for you, Discovery Channel? So disappointing.

Look to your Tea party future, people.

Look to your Tea party future, people. Wal-Mart is a prime example of unrestrained capitalism allowed to freely "work itself out."  They destroy small town America and then leech off the federal coffers as an excuse not to pay a livable wage to their employees.  [edit] More: Originally shared by Ole Olson If Walmart doesn't stop leeching off of everyone with their poverty wages, they should just leave America all together.

In the market fore a new N7? Office Max has you covered. YMMV

In the market fore a new N7? Office Max has you covered. YMMV Originally shared by Rose D Wanted to pass this along to others....

There's something you don't see everyday -- an old cowboy biker with neon lights in his chassis.

There's something you don't see everyday -- an old cowboy biker with neon lights in his chassis. By the way, his plate read: Class .

If all I did was watch YouTube videos, I'd be terrified to ride a motorcycle.

If all I did was watch YouTube videos, I'd be terrified to ride a motorcycle.

This is a fantastic breakdown of the foundation behind the mechanics of taking a picture.

This is a fantastic breakdown of the foundation behind the mechanics of taking a picture. Aperature, ISO and shutter speeds are covered in this video.
At the grand opening of a new doggie daycare: Knee Deep in Dogs

Quick! Someone tell the government they're collecting more than metadata!

Quick! Someone tell the government they're collecting more than metadata!

It's still #fidofriday, right?

It's still #fidofriday, right? Just snapped this a few minutes ago and edited with Snapseed. This is Charlie. And his tongue.

A dog's life

A dog's life #fidofriday

So they (claim to) have found more pieces to the true cross.

So they (claim to) have found more pieces to the true cross. What are the chances it's just a piece of wood and they're jumping to a great PR conclusion? Just like every time they find a boat its the Ark?

M.C. Hammer had a cartoon? I'm so glad I didn't know about this before now.

M.C. Hammer had a cartoon? I'm so glad I didn't know about this before now.