
Showing posts from October, 2012

Oh yeah! Even though it is a CBR, it's still a sportbike!

Oh yeah! Even though it is a CBR, it's still a sportbike! Originally shared by EagleRider Media Trick or Treat Happy Halloween! How will you be spending the night - passing out candy or going for a ride?

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Originally shared by Irreverent Monk I snickered! :P

Since I'm watching a Friday the 13th marathon right now on AMC I have a question:

Since I'm watching a Friday the 13th marathon right now on AMC I have a question: Is Jason Voorhees technically a zombie or is he just a really pissed off hick with strong regenerative properties? Pros for zombie:  1- He has died, and come back to life (weird that he died as a child and came back to life as an adult, though) 2- He can take a beating, but nothing seems to kill him 3- His clothes are all ratty Pros for being a really pissed off hick with Wolverine-like healing: 1- He lives in the backwoods of New Jersey -- alone. 2- Bad hygiene (I'm guessing) 3- Doesn't talk a lot 4- Ratty clothes I'm sure there's more to consider but I really don't want to put too much brain power into this.

My stream is filled with "Romney Relief Efforts" and "Disney buys Star Wars. Time to go to Taco Bell, I think.

My stream is filled with "Romney Relief Efforts" and "Disney buys Star Wars . Time to go to Taco Bell, I think.

I have never had one of these tacos, but I might swing by and grab one for free, just to try it.

I have never had one of these tacos, but I might swing by and grab one for free, just to try it. via Lisa Bimmerz  Originally shared by The Burger Beast Taco Bell Fans! 1 FREE Doritos Locos Taco per person today from 2-6PM - >

Shake your head now. First Disney buys Marvel Entertainment and now Star Wars.

Shake your head now. First Disney buys Marvel Entertainment and now Star Wars . Originally shared by Reuters FLASH: Walt Disney to buy Lucasfilm, including Star Wars franchise, for $4.05 billion. Star Wars episode seven will come out in 2015, Disney says

A bit of rationale in the GOP?

A bit of rationale in the GOP? It's easy for the lazy media pundits to jump to conclusions in either support or derision of a politician's actions without actually having an inside view of the situation. but this brings me to another concern and that is the lazy media. Where is the investigative reporting in counter to the blowhards with video cameras? Oh yeah, those investigative stories are in lamestream sources which investigate and verify facts before reporting. Many of those are names some of us trust, names ending in Times or weekly publications, not on local news at 5 or any station rhyming with "box." However, many of those names in respectable press are names people don't trust, mainly because their reporting is contrary to the preconceived notions being shouted from rooftops by blowhard pundits. Ms. Rice, having been a Secretary of State and National Security adviser understands what goes on behind the scenes and is willing to wait for the facts to eme...

Okay, if this doesn't make you laugh then you don't have a funny bone.

Okay, if this doesn't make you laugh then you don't have a funny bone. Originally shared by **** green screen fail.

Stand back! I'm trying science!

Stand back! I'm trying science! Seriously, though, here are some cool videos if you're into science-y stuff. Originally shared by Klaus Seiersen Wow, I now have more than 15.000 followers! Thanks for the support everyone. To celebrate, I here give you nothing less than: 100 Coolest Science Videos on YoyTube Enjoy!

I moved my Task Bar to another side of the desktop on my computer.

I moved my Task Bar to another side of the desktop on my computer. For years it was on the "top" and I moved it over to the "right" side. It's taking a bit to get used to it over there.

This morning in Denver.

This morning in Denver.

I'm just going to park this here for a minute.

I'm just going to park this here for a minute.
At the Emergency Room. Friend who's grandfather died the other day thought she was having a heart attack.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7") on sale at Costco.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7") on sale at Costco.

So, which candidate believes in America?

So, which candidate believes in America? Originally shared by Wes Forster
Fast zombies or slow zombies?

See, communism creates people!

See, communism creates people! Originally shared by Irreverent Monk

Hey ladies, I found him!!

Hey ladies, I found him!!

I'm not entirely sure what this was -- some sort of steel bar wrapped around, and through, a tree trunk.

I'm not entirely sure what this was -- some sort of steel bar wrapped around, and through, a tree trunk.

Today in Denver

Today in Denver

Xander from Buffy inspired Tony Stark?

Xander from Buffy inspired Tony Stark?

Sitting at my friend's grandparent's house.

Sitting at my friend's grandparent's house. Her grandfather died this morning, well mid-morning. He's in the next room as the mortuary service hasn't arrived yet. My friend's mother is on a road trip between Las Vegas and Moab (closer to Moab, I think) and therefore still hours away. Luckily other family members were able to come over.

Women of the World!

Women of the World!

_ "I assured all women that the issue of rape is a serious issue. It is not one that my God condones...."_

_ "I assured all women that the issue of rape is a serious issue. It is not one that my God condones...."_ But the Bible condones lots of rape: More:

The crappy microphone on my G2 did this drum-off no justice whatsoever.

The crappy microphone on my G2 did this drum-off no justice whatsoever. These guys were great and attracted quite a crowd.  This is what I love about living in/near a city: diversity and public displays of awesome.

Rufus from our walk this morning. That white stuff on his fur is not blow, it's snow.

Rufus from our walk this morning. That white stuff on his fur is not blow, it's snow.  This picture was edited with Creative Kit.

Ryan doesn't get it. Is he too stupid to be (v)President?

Ryan doesn't get it. Is he too stupid to be (v)President?

Oh, come on Mittens, at least make it harder to make fun of you.

Oh, come on Mittens, at least make it harder to make fun of you.

One could argue that Romney's blimp being forced down was an "act of god;" and that even the gods themselves are...

One could argue that Romney's blimp being forced down was an "act of god;" and that even the gods themselves are saying down with Romney .

Will scientists be fleeing Italy in droves now?

Will scientists be fleeing Italy in droves now? Does this open the door for lawsuits against religious institutions for not predicting natural disasters?

The Zombies are Coming!

The Zombies are Coming!

Had lunch, now it's time to shoot some zombies!

Had lunch, now it's time to shoot some zombies!

Let's not forget, Myth Romney doesn't think all Americans are equal under the law.

Let's not forget, Myth Romney doesn't think all Americans are equal under the law.

Psychopaths in the making?

Psychopaths in the making?

My roommate just handed each of the dogs a (dog) cookie and then handed me a (people) cookie.

My roommate just handed each of the dogs a (dog) cookie and then handed me a (people) cookie.  I wonder if we've all been good boys?

Texas women make the best psychos.

Texas women make the best psychos.  Originally shared by Jane Ellen This is a whole lot of weird.  FIrst of all, my gyno never gave me sex as a treatment.  Should I complain?

Just saw this amazing color coming in the window and had to grab my camera and run outside.

Just saw this amazing color coming in the window and had to grab my camera and run outside. This is an image I took with the Android.

Via Lanie deVuch

Via Lanie deVuch If you're a VZ customer you may want to take note. Originally shared by **** You may be eligible to get a $100 rebate when you trade up to a new Motorola smartphone today!  Learn more at

via Al Jazeera English

via Al Jazeera English  This seems fitting considering the whole Melanie Jones fiasco. Originally shared by The Stream Should internet trolls be "outed" in order to counteract offensive speech online?

Are strong women rare?

Are strong women rare? I've known some very strong women and I've known some very weak women. The same can be said about men, too.  Originally shared by Laura Manach Va bientôt participer à une conférence "purement" féminine. Je ne suis pas militante du tout, mais j'aime bien ce genre de quotes, qui résume ce que je pense aussi.

So, history does repeat itself!

So, history does repeat itself! Originally shared by Lauren Weinstein

Having never had a mother-in-law I don't have any jokes. However, you might.

Having never had a mother-in-law I don't have any jokes. However, you might.  Originally shared by ABC News We're looking for your funniest (tasteful) mother-in-law jokes to feature on Mother-in-Law Day fun article come October 28th. To submit:

So, Minnesota would rather people not be able to advance themselves without the officiating organization paying a...

So, Minnesota would rather people not be able to advance themselves without the officiating organization paying a fee, first? Do libraries have to pay a fee to lend books? Do documentaries put together by universities have to pay a fee first? If I move into the state and give away old college text books, do I have to pay a fee first?

It's party time, chumps!

It's party time, chumps! Originally shared by Connie Hammond hahaha

And I want to watch this later.

And I want to watch this later.

This looks interesting. Looks like Syfy might be investing in some non-reality TV shows.

This looks interesting. Looks like Syfy might be investing in some non-reality TV shows. When I first saw this I thought it was an Alien Nation remake, but this looks like it could be better than that show.

The Saga of Melanie Jones

It all started with a (supposedly) 'bot account on Google+ : Melanie Jones . Who, as it turns out, is not a 'bot, but rather a real live girl who claims to be a social media and personal branding expert. Go look at her Profile, she posts only pro-Romney/Tea party posts, which is fine, each and every person on social media has a right to curate their own mini-blog of their own material. Sometimes these posts are overtly pro-Romney and sometimes they're very disparaging towards the current sitting president , Obama; sometimes going so far as to make them racist. But that wasn't enough. What really annoyed the Google+ community is Melanie Jones does not allow commenting on any of her posts by dissenting opinions. Sure, they're all public posts (she wants them to be seen by the entire internet) however she restricts commenting to those people who agree with her or who will reinforce her opinions. That's right, she does not allow dissenting comments or ...

Either everyone has commenting turned off on their posts or my mobile app isn't letting me comment on anyone's posts.

Either everyone has commenting turned off on their posts or my mobile app isn't letting me comment on anyone's posts. That's annoying, especially since I only know I can't post until after I type out a comment.

Since I cannot comment of the original post, I have to share it.

Since I cannot comment of the original post, I have to share it. As I tried to post on Miranda Celeste Hale 's post: The first step is always the most difficult, then it becomes much easier. Originally shared by Miranda Hale

A little encouragement to intimidate voters, Mitt Romney ?

A little encouragement to intimidate voters, Mitt Romney ? Originally shared by Nicholas Vilppu Let's add voter intimidation to the list of Romney's accomplishments. He is really grasping at straws here now, but is it sad that I am not surprised but this? #romneyryan2012   #obama2012

The god of the mind... is s/he/them a real deity?

The god of the mind... is s/he/them a real deity? Originally shared by Brandy Ellis (Wed02) What is real to you? This is certainly interesting. What do you think this means for humanity? Via: Gabriel Fitzpatrick (Shared using #DoShare )

More people who vote.

More people who vote. People, who like Bryan Foster and J.C. Kendall will believe anything they're told by their conspiracy right-wing knowledge-bearers. Originally shared by Kent Goertzen These people vote.   This is why voting is so important for everyone else.

We need to see more of these wasteful spending reports.

We need to see more of these wasteful spending reports. Really an airport that has one flight a month gets $150,000 from congress? Committees spending more time debating their staff pay than actually performing their tasks?

So, I went to the library and got a bunch of stuff.

So, I went to the library and got a bunch of stuff. Some I'd requested and were waiting on hold, while others I just grabbed at random. The only movie I've previously seen is Super 8 , but to my knowledge my roommate hasn't seen it yet. Also, I grabbed One for the Money for her.  The rest are for me.

Library, Library, I Want my Library!

In my (feeble) attempt to blog more often, I give you, my fans, this: My Pick-Ups From the Library 10-16-2012 From Reserve: Random Pickups: and one CD set: Leonard Cohen

Sometimes google just annoys me.

Sometimes google just annoys me. I mean, how could Google's search not find a page in my history I was sitting there looking at, much less I page a looked at a week or two ago?

Chrome History

Google Chrome annoyed me.  A couple of weeks ago I read this article on's website: Is Human Nature Fundamentally Selfish or Altruistic? Therefore, that website URL should be in my Chrome history . Since I wanted to refer back to this particular article for a comment I was making on Google+, I went to Chrome ==> History and used the search function to search my Chrome history. I tried searching '" and Chrome could not, or would not, find that page in my history. I tried searching "children behavior," also with no success. I tried searching "time" and still couldn't get the page to show. So, having loaded the page today (for my reference and for this blog post) I went back to Chrome History  and performed another search of "" I could see the article's URL page listed right there, maybe the fourth or fifth page down on the history.  This article was not found. Nothing from ti...

And yes, Virginia, this woman is allowed to vote.

And yes, Virginia, this woman is allowed to vote. via April Benney

Damn! That hurt me to watch!

Damn! That hurt me to watch!


I walk the dogs in the morning, I walk the dogs in the afternoon and I walk the dogs in the evening. Sometimes they're more than an hour walk and sometimes they're about 20 to 30 minutes. Each and every time, though, I feel naked if I don't bring my cell phone along with me. Not that I cannot be without my phone. I think it has more to do with watching Law & Order  franchises and other crime dramas. It's not that I cannot be untethered from my phone it's that feeling that Murphy's Laws will take the reigns and that one time I'm without contact to the police or other emergency services I'm going to need to call for help or to report something. That feeling kind of annoys me. Didn't we all, well most of us all, used to live without cell phones? Didn't we used to have to walk or run to the nearest phone when an emergency occurred? I remember in the late 90s (pre cell phone) when I was walking near my mother's house in Florida when I not...

So, I wanted to reshare this for the daytime people. Enjoy.

So, I wanted to reshare this for the daytime people. Enjoy. Originally shared by Jason ON Oh yeah, that happened.

So, science did that again.

So, science did that again. Originally shared by **** Ricky Gervais - telling it like it is?? What are your thoughts? #lizzyspit  xx

Oh yeah, that happened.

Oh yeah, that happened.

I saw on the show Big Love a scene wherein there were binders full of women coming of age for the polygamists to...

I saw on the show Big Love a scene wherein there were binders full of women coming of age for the polygamists to choose from for their next wives. I'm not sure how to search for that, but Romney's claim to have binders full of women reminded me of that scene. Can anyone find info on that practice? Do Mormon polygamists really choose their brides like that? Originally shared by **** Google search interest in the term "binders" increased by 425% during the first hour of the #debate.

No Trespassing, Rufus!

No Trespassing, Rufus!

I certainly hope the non-decided voters who are watching this see Romney as the spoiled brat he is.

I certainly hope the non-decided voters who are watching this see Romney as the spoiled brat he is. Keeps taking more time, arguing with the moderator and crying that he's not getting more time even though he's getting all the time he agreed to in the beginning. #debate
Is Romney digging himself a PR/fact-checking hole?

Last non-debate post here for the next hour and a half or so.

Last non-debate post here for the next hour and a half or so. Originally shared by Denise De La Vega This is so tragic. Well done, Anonymous.

Fall 2

Fall 2

Of course I'll be watching this! This is better than sports!

Of course I'll be watching this! This is better than sports! Originally shared by NBC News Share this photo if you're watching tonight's second presidential debate in Hempstead, N.Y., at 9pm ET. For more ways to experience live coverage, highlights and analysis from NBC Politics, visit

Who can't use SmugMug Pro for life?

Who can't use SmugMug Pro for life?

As seen on my dog walk this morning.

As seen on my dog walk this morning.

So, apparently they're still making remakes.

So, apparently they're still making remakes.

Won't be up for long, folks.See it while you can.

Won't be up for long, folks.See it while you can.  Warning: graphic

No Maury Povich for the Dark Lord!

No Maury Povich for the Dark Lord! Originally shared by DeAno Jackson Nothing here really needs to be said, does it? #StarWarsTuesday

Ha ha ha!! Could have been worse!

Ha ha ha!! Could have been worse!

Because it's true.

Because it's true.

If you're interested in reading The Black Prism you can get it right now for $1.99!! That's a screaming deal!

If you're interested in reading The Black Prism you can get it right now for $1.99!!  That's a screaming deal! It ends today, though, so jump on that!

So, I just received an email from Google Play Books stating I qualify from a settlement:

So, I just received an email from Google Play Books stating I qualify from a settlement: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Google Play / Google Books customer, Benefits from an Attorney General E-books Settlement Fund Para una notificación en Español, llamar o visitar nuestro website. Records indicate that you are eligible for a payment from Settlements reached by the State Attorneys General with E-book publishers Hachette, HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster. The Settlements resolve an antitrust lawsuit about the price of electronic books (“E-books”). Google has not been sued in this case. It is providing this notice as a service to its customers. What the Settlements Provide The Settlements create a $69 million fund for payments to consumers who purchased qualifying E-books from April 1, 2010 through May 21, 2012. If the Court approves the Settlements, eligible consumers like you will receive payments. The amount of your payment has been determ...

With a guest spot by Honest Abe himself, Abraham Lincoln!

With a guest spot by Honest Abe himself, Abraham Lincoln!

Homeschooling, huh? I guess no one taught her ducks don't have thumbs and therefore can't take over the world.

Homeschooling, huh? I guess no one taught her ducks don't have thumbs and therefore can't take over the world.

Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, ladies.

Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, ladies. via Martin Mendoza  Originally shared by ****
Added photos to HACK THIS PHOTO - 10-12-2012 - Friday Night Hack featuring Stacey Harrell!.

Another HACK THIS PHOTO for another week.

Another HACK THIS PHOTO for another week. I used PicMonkey again as an excuse to delve a little deeper into that particular software. This particular image didn't "speak" to me. Usually when I see an image I have an idea of how I'd like to see the finished product. Since I didn't know what this image wanted to be it took me a little longer to become happy with any editing I performed. Original:

What...? Who in the heck needs a 20" tablet?

What...? Who in the heck needs a 20" tablet? via William L. Weaver

Apparently for some, anti-bullying means gay indoctrination. I'm still struggling to see the connection.

Apparently for some, anti-bullying means gay indoctrination. I'm still struggling to see the connection. Originally shared by Bodhipaksa Christianity, for some people, is now apparently anti-anti-bullying because anti-bullying is "just another thinly veiled attempt to promote the homosexual agenda." Right.

So, yeah, that happened.

So, yeah, that happened. Originally shared by Jane Ellen And THIS is why we have the internet.  Watch a guy in a unitard catch a laptop between his buttcheeks.  Oh yes, I did say that.

Has anyone used this T-Mobile app? Does it work? Is it good?

Has anyone used this T-Mobile app? Does it work? Is it good?
Getting a cut. $7.99 shampoo and cut.

Why is CNN's coverage about a minute and five seconds faster than

Why is CNN's coverage about a minute and five seconds faster than ?

Thanks to Alan Gerow who found this live mapping of where the balloon is in case you can't convert coordinates to a...

Thanks to Alan Gerow who found this live mapping of where the balloon is in case you can't convert coordinates to a map location in your head.

I wish the location data on the side of the screen would give me a livelink to a Google Map or Google Earth where we...

I wish the location data on the side of the screen would give me a livelink to a Google Map or Google Earth where we could watch where exactly he is at any given time.


Watching Getting ready to jump.

Facebook once everybody to share everything all the time.

Facebook once everybody to share everything all the time. however sharing everything all the time is not always the best policy.

Oh yeah, this is as funny as it appears.

Oh yeah, this is as funny as it appears.

Okay, this was kind of funny.

Okay, this was kind of funny. Still not sure what "gangnam" is (is it the dance?) but this is fun to watch either way. I'm loving Paul Ryan on here.  via Luigi Buscemi

What the serious F*?

What the serious F*? via Florian Rohrweck Originally shared by Steven Hodson I guess flavoring is the important part

So, the actor who plays "the Hobbit,' does he get royalties from image usage on this?

So, the actor who plays "the Hobbit,' does he get royalties from image usage on this?

Because it's true. Except mine were licked on by baby gryphons. I've always been different like that.

Because it's true. Except mine were licked on by baby gryphons. I've always been different like that.

via Tessie L'Amour

via Tessie L'Amour  So many great comments by this guy. Is homosexual unnatural? Not really, but you watching this video on a computer is unnatural! Originally shared by Adam Haskin Dude is Awesome.

So, I'm over on FB to update my Profile picture and I keep getting asked if I want to "promote" my posts.

So, I'm over on FB to update my Profile picture and I keep getting asked if I want to "promote" my posts.  FB must think I'm awesome.



That Moment When...

So, I watched this video this morning and it made me think of all the relationships I've had at various times and what ended  them. There were a few that ended just because our futures didn't line up and a few more that ended because the Universe hates me. But what about all the failed starts? What about all those first and second dates that, when that one thing finally happened, there were no more dates? There are a lot of those moments, many more than there are relationship ending moments. I went out on a date once where the girl was just rude to everyone around us. That ended that. Another date where the girl couldn't have a conversation about anything at all. Done. In the course of a conversation the girl said she didn't like dogs. Yep, that was over. Most notably there are a lot of girls who didn't make it past their first light-up of a cigarette or who drank to excess.  What are your "make it or break it" moments?

It's what's for ... whatever that time is between traditional lunch and traditional dinner.

It's what's for ... whatever that time is between traditional lunch and traditional dinner.

Theocracy in America

Take one asshat who thinks children should be murdered if they're unruly , add one moron who thinks parents of  illegitimate children should be murdered and their children should be adopted out to "legitimate" families and you have yourself a nice foundation for theocracy in America that would rival the wackos over in Pakistan , Afghanistan and Iran (istan). People like these, people who believe in Biblical law over secular law are the exact reason the founders of this nation put the separation of church and state into the very first of the Bill of Rights. Deuteronomy 21:18-21 “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and...

I would add Lord Greystoke to the list as well.

I would add Lord Greystoke to the list as well.

Steffani Grande

Steffani Grande,  I'm feeling productive today.

Lucky Number 7 Psychopaths

On Tuesday night I had a chance to see this movie in a sneak peek thanks to my friend, Andrea, who had an extra ticket. Or rather, thanks to Andrea's husband who had a Crossfit class to attend thus leaving her with an extra ticket.  Starring just about every white male in Hollywood, this movie was fairly entertaining with some humor and gratuitous gore. The story unfolded much like Get Shorty unfolded, it seemed that the end "movie" was based on the lives of the characters of the movie in a whole 'chicken and egg' scenario with a Pulp Fiction essence. And I couldn't help but think of The Mexican , either, a movie that showed us, if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. Usually because someone lacked basic common sense skills. Not in a (modern) stupid comedy format where they just try and throw characters into ridiculous positions for the quick laugh, but more along the lines of waking up one day and realizing that friend you have who always seems to be...

I've actually seen this documentary on DVD and if you like wolves (or dogs, for that matter) this is a great watch.

I've actually seen this documentary on DVD and if you like wolves (or dogs, for that matter) this is a great watch.

I've seen similar shows on The History Channel (or was it Discovery?

I've seen similar shows on The History Channel (or was it Discovery ?), but it's always good to see how close science has come to science-fiction.

Here to see a sneak peak of Seven Psychpaths with Andrea Kuban .

Here to see a sneak peak of Seven Psychpaths with Andrea Kuban .

Okay, here's the entire album. Some of the images I'm really proud of and others are just pictures.

Okay, here's the entire album. Some of the images I'm really proud of and others are just pictures. This is the Denver Botanic Gardens last week. I was a little annoyed as I didn't know we could bring tripods or monopods in so I didn't bring one. Yet, apparently we are allowed to bring them into the Gardens. Now I know and knowing is what? That's right, half the battle .

I love social media peeps:

I love social media peeps: As seen on a Google+ profile today: *Introduction Media Relations Specialist at [redacted], a managed care company in Dayton, Ohio. I love [X], [Y]and [Z] and everything social media. Follow me on Twitter -@TwitterName Occupation Media Relations Specialist* So, you're on one social network and your introduction to the world says follow me on another social network . Why is that?

Ummm.... what? There's a cockroach eating competition?

Ummm.... what? There's a cockroach eating competition? #ithappenedinflorida

A little taste of autumn from my Android.

A little taste of autumn from my Android.

I just couldn't get over the reflection on the water when I was out walking the dogs. So, I took a picture.

I just couldn't get over the reflection on the water when I was out walking the dogs. So, I took a picture.

And another teaser from last week's day at the Denver Botanic Gardens.

And another teaser from last week's day at the Denver Botanic Gardens. Tomorrow I'll post the whole album. I would have done so today, but Google+ was annoying me.

Google+ is annoying me with it's screen-jumping so I'm going to log off and go read the book I'm reading since it's...

Google+ is annoying me with it's screen-jumping so I'm going to log off and go read the book I'm reading since it's a really good book.

Ah, Mitt Romney, what are you going to say next?

Ah, Mitt Romney, what are you going to say next? At least the "fact checkers" are staying busy pointing out your lies.  It must be lonely when your own party vilifies you. Originally shared by Sherry-Christine Visage Very very very very nice part at 1:48 ... LMAO!!!!

Super Social Network! I really have nothing to contribute to this.

Super Social Network! I really have nothing to contribute to this.

Share, share, share. Especially if you and your friends like photography.

Share, share, share. Especially if you and your friends like photography. Originally shared by Michael Benton Sounds like the project is a success so far.... Check out to see my submissions. This Monday (October 8th) 45 images will be simultaneously displayed throughout the day on 85,000 digital screens across the world.   From Sydney to London, Dublin to Moscow, Shanghai to Cape Town, this will be the world’s largest photographic exhibition, with a potential audience of 46 million people.   To find out which images are being shown and where you can go to see the exhibition, visit   Please Share, Tweet, shout, email, sing and do whatever you can do to make people visit and find out about Monday’s exhibition. Start now! #adayorg  #photography    We think that the world will enjoy and learn from what we did in May…

Sharing this again because it's #sacredSunday and I actually have an image for today.

Sharing this again because it's #sacredSunday and I actually have an image for today.

Another teaser from the Denver Botanic Gardens earlier this week. Not everything at the Gardens is flower. ;)

Another teaser from the Denver Botanic Gardens earlier this week. Not everything at the Gardens is flower. ;)

Today in Denver. After the last couple of days this is very welcome.

Today in Denver. After the last couple of days this is very welcome.