So, I watched this a few years ago and liked it a lot.

So, I watched this a few years ago and liked it a lot. It's more of a sci-fi psychological thriller than a science-fact movie. A friend of mine watched it and thought it was stupid. Of course, all he did was look at the science and call it crap.

Anywho, it's not too bad of a movie. More along the lines of Pandorum than Star Trek.


Lane Greer said…
I thought it was a great show
Johanna Rogers said…
I'll be looking for this...definitely want to watch it.
I'm surprised I haven't heard about it. I like this type of movies.
Rich G. said…
Must be this post that wound up with this movie in my Netflix queue. It showed up today and I'm watching it now. I couldn't figure out why it was on my list. Now that I've searched I see it must have been your post that prompted it. I'm enjoying it.
Jason ON said…
Weird. I didn't know Netflix did that. Or Google.
Rich G. said…
I saw it on your stream I'm guessing, added it to my queue and it only now showed up. Confused as to why I searched on here to see if anybody I knew had ever recommended it. You had. It's the only realistic explanation. nobody I know on FB would have recommended this type of movie and it's not the type that lends itself to being discovered on its own.
Jason ON said…
Did you like it, at least?
Rich G. said…
I really liked it.
I couldn't decide what genre to put it in while I described it to someone. Sci-fi with elements of horror and thriller. But maybe it was horror first and sci-fi second... or maybe just straight up horror with a sci-fi setting? I enjoyed it. I'd watch others like it...It had a sort of 70's sci-fi feel to it. Not the kitsch of the 70's but the earnestness of the 70's. It was a very earnest movie. I really enjoyed it.
Xander said…
I bet your friend hated prometheus then lol
Jason ON said…
I have no idea, Chron Man.
Xander said…
Jason ON Its obvious man

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