

Brandi Bennett said…
OMG, one of my FAV places in Denver. I miss BDs so much since I moved away!
I like their food but their prices for it are insanely high compared to all the real Mongolian grills in the Chinese restaurants here in town.
Jason ON said…
Where is a better one, Eric Ha ? Both Mongolian and Chinese. I love them both.
I wasn't talking about your town..:) But usually you can find the Mongolian grills in any Chinese buffet around here and the more expensive the buffet, the better the grill..and around here that usually tops off around $12 per person.
John Bump said…
I enjoy The Imperial on south broadway just north of where the interstate crosses, for chinese food, tho' I'm more into japanese (domo) and thai (taste of thailand, that place near buffalo exchange/across from sweet action ice cream.)
Jason ON said…
I used to get Chinese from an Imperial satellite store in the tech center but they shut it down after winning Best of Westwood Chinese Food in DTC.

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