Ouch, again.

Ouch, again.


Edward Conde said…
I hope you don't commute to far..
Liz Quilty said…
Wow, think yourself lucky, ours costs twice that
Larry Maxwell said…
yep oil companies need the tax breaks
Michael Tucker said…
Liz â„šuilty that's less than $1.00/litre. I reckon they got it easy.
Harley Solano said…
Wellcome to the jungle .... is fucking reality
Liz Kimber said…
Michael Tucker they sure do, $1=£0.62 atm, so, perhaps when they realise we pay £1.44 a litre, for diesel and about £1.38 for petrol.. of course thats if you could find any this week.. (Im so surprised they didnt up prices this week) the gov were wringing their hands in glee with all the taxes
Michael Tucker said…
Liz Kimber we are paying around $1.65 in Australia at present(and that's not for the watered down version of fuel)
Liz Kimber said…
Either way, you're still about 1/4 down on us.. if thats aus dollars thats about a £1.06 or if thats US thats £1.03, although at least yours is nearer ours.. You can hop on our band waggon of "OMG its rediculous" the americans havent got to $1 a litre yet.. so, they have that joy yet to come, mind you, by then we will no doubt have reached 2 or 3 a litre..
Niall Cook said…
That's $1.02/litre in my money. I paid $1.38/l yesterday and that was the low point in the so-called fuel cycle. You guys don't know when you're well off
Liz Kimber said…
in the UK its about $2.30 a litre..
Harley Solano said…
in Nicaragua its about 1.39 a litre aprox, and that with "financing" from Venezuela. Many are becoming millionaires, guess who
Niall Cook said…
this global differential in the price of oil is one of my biggest bugbears. It's supposedly a shrinking resource, we're told here in Oz that we're paying an excise on our fuel so that there's some sort of global parity. No-one seemingly better off than anyone else. That's clearly bullshit, yet the oil companies in this country persist in telling us that a bogus cycling of the fuel price - high at one end of the week, low at the other end - is a necessary part of what they do. Yeh? I call bullshit again. They're playing hedge games on international trading boards. If I can figure it out, then surely those who supposedly watch over this game of consumer rip-off can as well. Why then does it go on? Not just here, but globally. Even when exchange rates are adjusted to take into account differing economic circumstances, we're clearly being rorted!
The only ppl not being ripped off are the traders of oil on international exchanges, and politically oriented coffers across the globe.
Andy Crowther said…
Remember, in the US if a car gets over 30mpg it's a selling point... they need cheaper fuel our no one would drive!

Most of the UK money goes to the government :-(
Toby Woller said…
If only, in Califas I pay .40 more and drive 90 miles rt x5 days
Johanna Rogers said…
"its $15.70 a litre here, I cant beleive its so cheap there." <-holyf*ck! Is that US dollars? Lindsey cullen

It takes about $120 bucks to fill my Durango here. The gas price just went up recently so I can't remember at what rate we're at right now.
That price will double or triple in the next 2 years.
Liz Kimber said…
Lindsey cullen where are you if its that expensive for fuel?? and as Johanna Rogers said, is that in US dollars??
Jason ON said…
That is right. It is in u.s. dollars.
Liz Quilty said…
It's $2.10+ per litre here nzd, which is about $1.70 USD? high octane is more
Where I live it's $8.60 a gallon.
Liz Kimber said…
Where are you Lester Mathias Andersson ?

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