Hey, Barack Obama, when are we going to see a stop to this?

Hey, Barack Obama, when are we going to see a stop to this? You and I know the TSA is a useless organization there only to give a sense that the federal government is doing something to fight terrorism instead of twiddling it's thumbs.

Originally shared by James Overheul

Does the TSA hire anyone with an IQ over 70 and a scintilla of common sense....EVER?

It sounds like a scene out of a horrible first date: a woman, standing alone in front a restroom mirror, embarrassed and visibly upset as other women come and go pretending not to notice her.

But this wasn't a horrible first date; it was yet another horrible misadventure of a nursing mom. Amy Strand joins a long list of women who foolishly dared to believe they could board an airplane without being publicly humiliated.

In the case of the Hawaiian high school vice-principal, a TSA agent stopped her during screening last week because of her breast pump. Unconvinced it was not a weapon, he banished Strand (and her nine-month-old daughter Eva) to the women’s room to pump a bottle of milk. The agent would not let her through the checkpoint with empty bottles.

"I'm in a dress, in heels and I find myself in front of a sink and mirrors with travelers coming in and out of the bathroom," Strand told ABCNews.com. "I'm standing at the sink with my breast hanging out, pumping. I wanted to cry. I was humiliated."


U-Ming Lee said…
The smell of elections is in the air, I don't think they'll be doing anything about this any time soon.
Alvin Milton said…
I for one would not mind seeing change in regards to overhauling this agency called the TSA
Jason ON said…
She had liquids in her boobs. That's dangerous, you know.
Brenda Curtis said…
totally unacceptable:(
Alan Gerow said…
My wife has that exact Madela set in the picture. There would be a lawsuit had they done that to her. My support goes to this woman and the dismantling of the TSA. Oddly enough, the IRS recognizes breast pumps as a medical device for Flex Spending Accounts, got ours tax free.
Alvin Milton said…
Maybe its boobs that are dangerous

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