Didn't I just read an article or something about how Facebook has created a generation of narcissists?

Didn't I just read an article or something about how Facebook has created a generation of narcissists?

Originally shared by Mark Smith

Are people really that stupid nowadays?

A woman was in a chat on Facebook with multiple friends while she committed suicide, entering status updates and taking pictures as she was dying from smoke inhalation. Out of the multiple people that she was chatting with not a single one called the police to get help for her. I have to say this is one of the oddest stories I've read in a while.


J. L. Gould said…
Good grief. I wonder, going by her last words, whether she was being so flippant that her friends didn't take her seriously. I have a friend with serious mental illness and it can be difficult to tell when someone that ill is simply seeking attention or seriously intending to harm themselves. But yeah, while there are plenty of Facebook users who use it to stay connected when they cant stay connected in person, there are many users who only use it to self indulge.

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