I'm not sure which one of these I like better. Maybe the completely black and white one?

I'm not sure which one of these I like better. Maybe the completely black and white one?


Chris Hanlon said…
no I like the one on the left.
I like both but the color has more impression on me because it's naturally saturated.
The color one says "arty" the b&w says "power"
Ryan Schultz said…
I like the colour one.
I'm not a guy, but thanks for the compliment, I guess.
Jason ON said…
I was wondering if he was talking about you, Annika O'Brien. :D
Yeah, I get that a lot. I look like a dude to some guys. I wish more guys in real life thought I looked like a dude.
Jason ON said…
Because you want to be a dude?
Brevard Surf said…
This went from a helmet to male and female wishes...whats the word Im lookin for ....
Brevard Surf said…
She does look awsome
Jason ON said…
Didn't you read? He's a dude. :)
Brevard Surf said…
look at her picture again..and I believe @ 9:10 O'Brian stated gender
I mean because then I wouldn't get hit on so much.
Jason ON said…
I'm joking. Annika O'Brien and I go waaaay back, like to October or something. I know she's a she.
Ryan Schultz said…
Can we say, SIDETRACK? LOL
Brevard Surf said…
Had me worried there...., SIDETRACK
I'm all about the tangents. Darth Matt Gantner Andrea The Great Jill Brady Jaymz See Christopher Knorr Dave Hartman be gettin' this party started. Flood gates of Darth. Darth...
Darth SpartaIs300SoDrinkYourCoffee
Darth ThoughtYouWereOnAPlane, Jason B
Darth ChalulaDoesTheHulaInHawaii
Darth iGottaStopDoingTwentyThingsAtOnce
Darth OkayI'mNotInLoveWithDoritoTacos.
Darth IMadeAFakebookBecauseI'mIndecisive
Darth IUseMyFakebookToPlayStupidGamesAndTo"Like"Bands
Jaymz See said…
Darth WTFGoogle+Isn'tSummoningMeLikeAGenieBitchAnymore
Darth MarkHamillHasReallyLetHimSelfGo
Darth MarkHamillIsJustAVoiceActorNow
Jason ON said…
Well, at least my pictures are being looked at. :D
Jason ON said…
Darth, doh!Iforgottodarththepost
Jaymz See said…
Darth Isn'tMarkHamilACatholicPriestNow?
Darth ThisIsAnInvasionNotAMarketingScheme
Jaymz See said…
Darth UnicornSauce!
Darth You'reDoinItWrongThisIsAFormalNamingSystemNotToBeTakenLightly
Darth RomneySawTheHungerGamesAndThoughtHeWasMeantToTakeLessonsFromTheCapitol
Darth OhWeHit100Already,Well,L8rH8rs
Jason ON said…
Darth ActuallyGoingtogoreadabookcalledDarthPlageous.
Frank Roark said…
We just sent one of these back in for repair...35 days and less than 250 miles. Don't know if we would buy another. But huge kudos to revzilla and the way they handled it all.
Jason ON said…
RevZilla are good people. I actually won this helmet in a contest last summer.
Frank Roark said…
NICE! Glad to know people really win that stuff. Yep very happy with the service there.
Jason ON said…
+Dave Hartman , no i did that on purpose to really make the blacks stick out. Since the helmet's whats in focus i wasnt concerned that the bike was a little smudged.
Darth PlayByTheRules. I'm only gay because I like men and I look like a man.
Jason ON said…
Probably, Dave Hartman, but I would have to figure out how to. :D

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