Plusser needs some help.

Plusser needs some help.

Originally shared by David Sarachman

I need you're opinion. We've recently started a web comic off of Blogspot and we are obviously incredibly new, not "new" as in "fresh" but "new" as in "just got off the bus, unwittingly lead into a live of porn by the friendly stranger we met at the bus station" new. So if you are so inclined we would definitely appreciate an honest review you don't have to comment on it or click any of the likes or dislikes I don't want this to be taken as a ploy to drive up traffic I would just like you to let me know what we are doing wrong or right. Thank-you for looking at this we could really use your help.


Change the Handwritten-style font on the blog. It's hard to read in general, but even more so over that background. Try a block print or a san serif. In the comics themselves, work on your beats. You need some sort of punchline, or something that carries your story along. Remove all of the lens flare. Take some time to make your photos clear. Or, take your photos (if you want more of a drawn style), and outline them through Adobe Illustrator. Then color them in with solids and gradients to give the comic more of a clear style. Or, if you want to keep the photograph style. Take some time in photoshop to clear up the images. But, the beats in your writing. Read a lot of other comics and try to emulate the beats of the ones that you like.
David Sarachman said…
Thank-you for the advice David Bleecher and for the re-share Jason ON.

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