I really really hate making maps in Google Maps. It's like the maps creation is designed to piss me off.


Tim Bond said…
What do you dislike? I have found it to be the most usable maps site for me but I often feel like the routes it chooses aren't the most direct or best route.
Jason ON said…
For example:

A friend emailed me this proposed route for our trip to Telluride this weekend: http://goo.gl/gbNvo

When I go to Save to My Places it does not save anywhere. I have tried 3 times over two days to save it with no success.

Okay, it's not that difficult of a map so I'll just re-create it. So, I draw it out using the line drawing tool that following the roads. Although there are some difficulties with this as Google Maps always wants to choose a route I do not want it to choose I finally get it the way I want. Save. And what happens? All the lines I just painstakingly drew are now straight, ie: not following the roads. And they're all over the place. instead of from point A to Z.

Refresh. Still not following the roads. Log out and in, still not following the roads. So, all my work for nothing I can use. And this happens every. single. time. I try and create a Google Map.
Tim Bond said…
Oh... yeah, that does sound very frustrating. bleh.
Jason ON said…
Every. Single. Time.
Jason ON said…
For example, you've already seen the original map and how it was supposed to look: this is what it looks like after I save it: http://goo.gl/SSTuV <== very. friggin. annoying!
Jason ON said…
Joel Headley, I don't suppose there's someone I can talk to about this?
Joel Headley said…
Starting with me works :) We've filed a bug for this issue, but can't consistently reproduce it.

Are you saying that this map (http://goo.gl/gbNvo) is showing straight lines? It looks like they've snapped to the road.
Jason ON said…
Thanks for the reply, Joel Headley. No, that's the original map I can't SAVE to my maps/places. While trying to just manually re-create that map using the follow the road lines I get this after saving: http://goo.gl/SSTuV . Before saving it looks very similar to the original map I can't save.
Joel Headley said…
Ah - two different problems. OK - so we're looking at the straight lines thing now. I didn't notice that screenshot previously (sorry). Can you point me to the map URL so we have another example for the team?

Regarding inability to save the map, our UI has changed a bit, so indulge me here, please. Because this is an older map, it should be bookmarked by date - in this case - Jun 2010. Can you confirm it isn't there? When I saved it, I had to wade through a bunch of other maps to find it. Just want to make sure that it didn't get lost at the bottom of a list.
Jason ON said…
Let me double check, but I looked through them last night all the way back to March looking for one titled Telluride.

edit: I have four Maps with June dates and none of them are the one that was sent to me by a friend. I think Curtis Edenfield sees similar problems when trying to save maps.

Joel Headley, here is an URL to the map with the straight lines. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216178225411704579963.0004ab5aad1795b0b2519&msa=0 I re-created it twice and both times when I saved the map the lines went from following the roads to straight like this.
Joel Headley said…
June 2010? Strange that the saving problem is account specific.

We'll work on the straight lines thing.
Jason ON said…
I apologize then. I didn't go back to June 2010, just June 2011. Now I feel stupid. Thanks for pointing that out.

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