Help a Plusser out.

Help a Plusser out.

Originally shared by Mark Lucio

I have a bet with my boss today! He thinks that using Google+ is a waste of time, not a realistic networking tool and does not see the benefit. So he has agreed to give me $1 for every +1 / comment I get. Considering I have over 500 connections I think I can get an iPad out of this. Start +1'ing this update or leave your comment! :D


Jason ON said…
Don't plus here, go to his post and plus there, too.
Noble said…
hope he gets that iPad :-)
I told him to think big an get the boss to pony up for a plasma TV!!! LOL!!!
Yay Happens said…
FaceBook is a waste of time. It is geared to do exactly that; waste time. At Google+ the conversations are several calibers above anything I've seen on a social network...

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