Holy cow, a lot of people are posting right now. My stream is breezing past!


Lorie Johnson said…
Yeah, mine, too. Kind of annoying when I'm trying to write or watch a video.
Aqeel Khan said…
They were all in my hangout :D
Jason ON said…
There should really be a Pause button or something.
Aqeel Khan said…
You can always go to sub-stream :)
Erich Miller said…
I'm still waiting for the pause button as well.
Tif Jones said…
Pause button would rock .. even a Marker or bookmark to know the last post we looked at.
David Moore said…
I constantly use the "j" and "k" navigation keys Tif Jones - they seem to keep my place pretty well. If the stream jumps, I simply j then k to get the same post back to the top of my viewing area.
Tif Jones said…
ohhh gotta try it!
Jason ON said…
I use my Page Up and Page down keys, but it would still be nice to have a pause or pin option.
David Moore said…
Wholeheartedly agree Jason ON - Hopefully that is something that the team has heard loud and clear and is working on.
Tif Jones said…
I've provided feedback from day one when i joined.

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