Injured Border Collie Suffers Setback

Injured Border Collie Suffers Setback


Jenni Fenice said…
Answer to your question: The Police.

They do it all the time now, it's practically standard procedure.
Jason ON said…
I almost said that in my original statement but I didn't want to seem like a cop-hater. But still, it's a border collie!
Brenda Curtis said…
whoa......hold on there.....the cops found him and took him in for care.
They do not know who shot Shamrock. There is a reward.
Robert N. Lee said…
Yeah, well, they still shoot any dogs in sight whenever they kick in a door, now, in the US. Including tiny dogs, old dogs, blind dogs, whatever dogs. Cases coming directly to mind, just lately: three cops find a chihuahua on a porch with no license, it bites one, they all fire round after round into it (that's the wrong house, way too common) has a pit they've got locked up in a pen at night. The cops walk over and blow it away in the cage.

My friend's a defense attorney back home, and tried to help get a guy some relief from the city, because the police were doing (again, wrong house) a drug bust next door in the middle of the night, his dog barked, and they shot it. In the next yard. For barking at their fuckup.

No relief, BTW - the best that's going to happen even if you do get to take the cops to court on that (and that's not likely...) is you get like fifty bucks if it's a mutt, and maybe your purchase price if it isn't.
Robert N. Lee said…
The question was asked "Who would shoot a dog like that?" Unfortunately and increasingly lately, the answer is: cops.
Robert N. Lee said…
"I love how people throw out stuff without backing anything up these days. "

Here you go:
Robert N. Lee said…
BTW, you got any sources for "Michael Vick has hurt more dogs than any cop has?"
Brenda Curtis said…
wow, way to turn an ugly thread even uglier.
good job!
Robert N. Lee said…
Uglier? It's not like I posted direct links to any of the stories or videos. Now, those are ugly.
Robert N. Lee said…
Truth hurts, donit? Luckily, they're busy pushing for laws making it illegal to film cops, ever, so pretty soon, maybe nobody will ever have to see a video like that again. Awesome.
Robert N. Lee said…
Yep. And when their owners are caught doing that, they get charged with felonies. Vick went to federal prison. Cops just laugh and walk away and...not even a freaking mayor can get a simple apology for his dead dogs.

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