Things to Do in Denver When You're Bored

Denver Brewery Tours

I moved to Denver after visiting a friend here upon completion of my active duty Army time. One of the reasons I moved here was because of how the area reminded me of living in Germany. You see, in Germany each town has it's own signature flavor with regions sharing a type of beer. For example, in the area I lived in krystalweissen was popular even though I thought it tasted horrible, much preferring a nice hefeweissen instead.

In Denver in seemed as though each bar/brew pub had it's own signature flavor. Sure, there was Coors and the fledgling New Belgium Brewery, but there is also the Rock Bottom, Flying Dog, CB&Potts flavors, Sandlot Brewery and many many others.

It's great to know that there are many different flavors although I prefer a nicely aged single malt over hops and barley any day, but occasionally a nice flavorful beer (read: not mass produced American lagers) is good on the tongue.

Enjoy the tours if you're so inclined!


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