TeaBaggers and Racism

Little Green Footballs - What Racism at the Tea Parties?

For anyone who has bothered reading my posts, you guys know I have little to no respect for the Tea Party mostly due o their own actions and the pushing ignorance of policy instead of education of policy.

But this one takes the cake. We're not racists, says TeaParty.org founder -- the same man who had his picture taken while holding a racist sign.

Have people not realised yet that there is no such thing as private or incognito or anonymous with the speed with which information travels these days?

Especially if you're like this guy or a politician or an actor -- someone who seeks out publicity -- you're being watched, moron. If you're going to hold a sign at a "political protest" decrying a racial slur, don't go in front of a journalist and say you're not a racist. It just makes you look dumber than the Texas flag shirt does.


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