For anyone who's used twiiter for 5 seconds

You know how annoying it is to have someone send out a Tweet with a link to some information which takes you not to that information, but to a blog or a Friendfeed or a HootSuite link which then gives you a link to the actual information you were promised in the first place? Does this annoy you, too?

For example, I follow someone on Twitter calling himself: @MusicSceneDenver. recently, he or they put out a tweet:

musicdenver: St. John's Cathedral Choir

Fine. But when I hit the link and it takes me to your Blogger page and that page has no information on it other than a link to Westword's music page, I have to wonder why I'm following you in the first place. Why not just cut out the middle man and follow Westword directly?

I see this often and using Twitter to direct traffic to your blog or website is fine in my book, but to not even make a blog post about it just smacks of spam.

I tend to stop following people who do this because it's very irritating.

'Nuff said.


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