Comments Online Often Manufactured by Special-Interest Groups�|�State Bill Colorado
Comments Online Often Manufactured by Special-Interest Groups|State Bill Colorado
Well duh.... I would have thought this would be common knowledge about now. Seriously? I had this idea 8 or 9 years ago ... you know, before anyone thought to use the internet for campaign and PR work. Sure there were websites and forums, but I thought a campaign or special interest would do good to have interns and volunteers troll the internet making comments and starting threads supporting their cause. I also thought it would a be a good idea for customer service reps to peruse fansites either officially or unofficially. I know a lot of companies have their own "support forums" these days, but a few years ago it wasn't as popular as it is now.
But no one listens to me... :(
Well duh.... I would have thought this would be common knowledge about now. Seriously? I had this idea 8 or 9 years ago ... you know, before anyone thought to use the internet for campaign and PR work. Sure there were websites and forums, but I thought a campaign or special interest would do good to have interns and volunteers troll the internet making comments and starting threads supporting their cause. I also thought it would a be a good idea for customer service reps to peruse fansites either officially or unofficially. I know a lot of companies have their own "support forums" these days, but a few years ago it wasn't as popular as it is now.
But no one listens to me... :(