To RAM or not to RAM ...
I started using note Firefox and less Chrome recently in an effort to when myself off of Google a little more (the demise of Google+ is hitting me hard). At work, it's Firefox. At home, it's Firefox ... unless I'm on my Chromebook. Then, it's Chrome.
Google's Chrome is indeed a memory hog - that's no secret. But what's more concerning is how computer manufacturers are still cheaping out on the RAM they're installing on systems. You have to buy a premium laptop or computer to get a reasonable amount of memory anymore and it's atrocious.
To start, open Chrome and press Shift+Esc (or, on a Mac, go to Windows > Task Manager). This will open Chrome’s own Task Manager, which will give you a more accurate look into how much memory each tab, plugin, and extension is taking up. You can click the top of the “Memory” column to sort it by highest RAM usage to lowest.