Death By A Thousand Cuts

I know I harp on #DonaldTrump quite a bit, but the modern #GOP as a whole is working to systematically dismantle what makes the USA the USA and historians will judge them harshly. From Mitch McConnell denying President Obama his Constitutional right to sit a Supreme Court Justice, to the political hacks known as Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanagh, the modern Republican party is routinely putting party and agenda over the people of the USA.

One can only imagine their caucus meeting being something like this:

GOP Senator 1: Let's burn the world.
GOP Senator 2: Cool, the fire will be pretty.
GOP Senator 3: This sounds awesome, I'll bring the marshmallows.

… in 2005 Rushing penned an article for Engage, The Federalist Society’s journal, entitled “Nothing to Stand On: ‘Offended Observers’ and the Ten Commandments,” written in conjunction with a senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund (now Alliance Defending Freedom), an organization that the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated a hate group. In it, Rushing argued that “offended observers” should never be allowed a day in court to challenge government actions that violate the Establishment Clause, leaving citizens completely unable to hold the government accountable even for some clear constitutional violations.


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