Anti-Vaxxers and the Rest of Us

In a other day and age societies would have shunned people carrying a disease or who were otherwise a danger (or burden) on the village. Should we exclude anti-vaxxers from society because they're idiots? Well, if we did that we'd have to exclude the MAGA-hat wearing morons as well. And possibly home schoolers, but that's another discussion.

Personally, I'm for excluding people who don't take the implied social contract seriously, but where do we stop? As with anything, once you take that first step you're on a dark path where you're moving from excluding anti-vaxxers to  excluding a specific religion or race.

Tribalism is great when you're a part if the dominant tribe, but it's not so great when you're the minority and shouldn't be tolerated.

This is America, the Land of the Free. That freedom, however, doesn’t mean “I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.” When we choose to live in a society, there are certain obligations—both moral and legal—to which we are bound. You cannot inflict harm or infringe on the rights and liberties of those around you.


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