ReWriting Reality

Many President's gave had the opportunity to review reports, findings, tell-all books and more before the public seems them, but every other president is not #DonaldTrump.

No, that's not a good thing.

Donald Trump has shown himself to be more than cavalier with the truth, distanced from reality, a narcissist and an outright liar. Any one of these things would be circumspect with anyone wanting a chance to "change" inaccuracies, but with Donald Trump it could mean re-writing reality to fit the preferred narrative. And this the American public should not stand by and idly allow him to do. Bana-Republic dictators do this, not leaders of the free world (which one could argue the USA no longer is). People with something to hide do this, not persons confident in their innocence. Narcissists do this to shine a positive light on themselves, not self-confident people of sound mind.

No, we cannot trust what we #TrumpNation wants us to know. They're renowned liars with a penchant for being distanced from reality. Especially since they're obviously hiding something. They did spend two years casting doubt on the veracity of the investigation in the first place. Innocent people don't do that - only the guilty do.

Trump's lead defense lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, told INSIDER last year that Trump's team would want a chance to review the Mueller report before it's made public to correct any inaccuracies.

Giuliani told INSIDER that Trump's team would waive executive privilege if "we had an adequate opportunity to review the report before it was released to the public; if we felt that - even if we disagreed with its findings - it was fair; and if we had the chance to release a rebuttal report simultaneously that addresses all of Mueller's allegations."


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