Yeah, there was no collusion. Sure ...

Yeah, there was no collusion. Sure ...

Let me be clear: innocent people don't have to run around covering their asses tracks all the time. I"m just sayin ...

In April, Peter Stone and Greg Gordon reported for McClatchy that Robert Mueller had obtained evidence that Cohen did indeed visit Prague. Today the pair have a new report with much more detail. Cohen’s phone pinged off cell-phone towers in Prague during that period, according to four sources. Also during that period, an Eastern European intelligence agency electronically surveilled a conversation in which one Russian said that Cohen was in Prague, according to two more sources. The reporting is the opposite of thin. If the conclusion is wrong, it is a massive journalistic error.

Originally shared by MTD

Funny how that "fake dossier" keeps being verified one bit at a time.


David Blanar said…
It's weird he's denying it still though… he can get in real trouble now if it proves he's lying after striking a deal. I know Lying Liars are Liars … but still… the motivation here seem misaligned.
Jason ON said…
David Blanar him being there hasn't been confirmed ... yet.
David Blanar said…
Doesn't matter that it's not been confirmed. My point is he could just stay silent, he has no reason to comment publicly if Mueller knows everything. By speaking out he's needlessly putting himself in further jeopardy. It's very odd.

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