All the political groups on MeWe seem to be #TrumpNation inspired.

All the political groups on MeWe seem to be #TrumpNation inspired. I'm tempted to start one called "Trump Nation" just to share the news I share here over there.


MTD said…
I decided to wait on mewe for the time being. You'll need to feed Trump BS for a few weeks to get them to follow, before you start posting factual information.
Bob Lai said…
Pretty much why I’m not over there.
Jason ON said…
Rob Andersen I hadn't been to MeWe in weeks, maybe a month or more, and decided to check it out again today as the Ploos seemed to be boring.
Andreas Katifes said…
I saw those too. I ignored them and currently keep my account there for a couple photo groups.
Chris Fink said…
I'm on there MeWe now as well, fyi... but not for Trump bs.
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