So, in the past one and a half minutes I have:

So, in the past one and a half minutes I have:

[1] dropped the laptop battery out of my laptop and now my laptop won't power on.

[2] dropped my backpack because one of the straps caught a chair I was sitting in.

[3] knocked the chair over due to aforementioned backpack.

[4] knocked some chapstick out of a side pocket on the backpack as I tried to wrangle the whole thing back together.

It's going to be that day.


Ariel Batista said…
Wow, I would have to say your not having a good day at this stage of the game. Relax and try again.... (Yes it's easier said then done).
Wow. When the stars are wrong, they are WRONG...
William Wells said…
Gee, maybe there's a career opportunity for you when Mr. Bean retires.

Jason ON said…
So far I haven't wrecked my truck, so there's that.
Nate Taylor said…
Any luck on the laptop? Does it power off AC with the battery removed?

Or is it DC? I can't remember.
Jason ON said…
It's running fine off the power cord, but the battery is done. Only about $25 on Amazon for an inferior replacement though, so there's that.
Nate Taylor said…
Hmm. An old batt shouldn't prevent power up (in conjunction with a power cord) unless you did some internal damage when it dropped... 25$ isn't bad at all for a replacement though.
On a small side note. I practice and recommend to people when using a laptop in a not on-the-go capacity to remove the battery and use just the cord. That is just to prolong the life of the battery and limit charge cycles. Obvious caveats are obvious, cord gets unplugged you lose work.
I do have a spare Chromebook if you need an alt for a bit
Jason ON said…
I don't know if you can see the cracks real well here.

The replacements are less KWH, less maH and less voltage. Apparently HP doesn't make these OEM anymore.
Maybe tomorrow will be a better day

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