I seem to remember #DonaldTrump sitting on a golden chair talking about how he's humble.

I seem to remember #DonaldTrump sitting on a golden chair talking about how he's humble.



Stephen Dickson said…
There is ALWAYS some fucker that's offended.
Aleks Fatuesi said…
He's the most - but probably not but maybe the most ever, a lot of people are saying - humble person, believe me.
Jason ON said…
Stephen Dickson true story.

Aleks Fatuesi ha ha ha!
Magnus Itland said…
Having to have a gilded piano is part of the obligations of being a monarch in a country that depends on centuries of outdated traditions to not fall apart, I'm afraid.
Keith Keber said…
Magnus Itland Wait… gilded? Not solid, 24-carat?
Magnus Itland said…
Keith Keber Disappointing, eh? But on the bright side she probably doesn't need to hire Superman and The Hulk to move the piano across the room. (I assume construction cranes are kind of hard to get inside.)

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