While everyone's at the Mueller indictments #DonaldTrump is still forcing the Affordable Care Act to fail.
While everyone's at the Mueller indictments #DonaldTrump is still forcing the Affordable Care Act to fail. #TrumpNation Originally shared by **** The Trump administration’s proposal defines the term “typical employer plan” to include virtually any employer-provide health plan so long as that plan has at least 5,000 enrollees. A state can effectively seek out an employer who offers an unusually stingy benefits package, and so long as that employer’s health plan covers at least 5,000 people, it can use that plan as its statewide benchmark. Obamacare plans in that state, in other words, would only have to be as generous as the least generous employer-provided plan that a state can find. #healthcare #aca #obamacare #singlepayer #MedicareForAll https://thinkprogress.org/trump-health-insurance-terrible-again-ee9b93261a43/?utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_content=59f7cb1104d3015272f62e7a&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter