I'm so getting tired of #BernieBros pouting.
I'm so getting tired of #BernieBros pouting. We get it, you think Bernie Sanders could have beaten #DonaldTrump. Well, guess what? Reality didn't work out that way. Pull up your fucking pants, wipe the tears from you eyes and the snot from your nose and get over it. Hopelessly wishing for an alternative reality isn't going to solve anything.
Originally shared by Sam Moore
The DNC says they can pick who they want.
Originally shared by Sam Moore
The DNC says they can pick who they want.
No, those whom the gods would destroy, they grant wishes. The DNC got its ass beat down good and hard - did they learn anything? No they didn't. Same idiots in charge, same sorry consultants taking all those campaign dollars, same idiotic strategies which have lost them over 900 elected offices in recent years...
And you want to call us Bernie Bros, because we're supposedly wishing for an alternative reality? Y'all get a new alternative reality every fucking day or two, depending on what Our Preznit believes. We'll stick with the facts as we see them, that the Democratic Party can't find its own ass in the dark with a map and a flashlight.
But that's where groups like #JusticeDemocrats come in. Primary them all one by one and chip away at it.
It's not as if the Democratic Party should be abolished and some newly-minted Progressive Party jump up on the stage, though that's what it took with the Whigs. The old Democrats need to be hustled off the stage and awarded honorary positions in some blue ribbon committee and all their reports quietly shoved down /dev/null . They simply can't win elections.
Miss Havisham figures, still sitting there all jilted, with that rotten wedding cake still sitting there. They're ghastly old manipulative hags. Get them the fuck off the stage immediately and start putting some people born after 1960 in there. They're all too goddamn old. And I was born before 1960.
Ultimately, nothing the DNC does will be good enough to satisfy Bernie supporters. That will likely reduce chances of regaining a majority in Congress, because neither side wants to budge.
Now, add the damage Trump and his idiot supporters have done - exacerbating the overall distrust in government - and we're looking at some serious, long-term damage to the Republic. No one wins.
Dickens kinda cheats a bit, giving us a happy ending, reuniting Pip and Estella.
But in this case, the old Democrats are intent upon bringing down the wreckage of their party around their own ears. They're not going to mend their ways. They're still a collection of vicious prostitutes, still hookin' up with their sugar daddies, still hanging out with their no-count urban friends, still thinking that somehow, despite the failure of their message and the alienation they've created between themselves and the very people who most want them to succeed, that they can still wander around their ghastly old mansion, with the clocks still stopped at the moment that JFK was assassinated.
I told you once I won't tell you again
it's a bad way
Does anyone reading this comment think the DNC will stop turning tricks? Please say Yes. Somebody. Coz I don't think they ever will. And they're going to whore themselves into oblivion.
WolfPAC is also making great headway (into getting a constitutional amendment to get money out of politics), but that path is loooonngggg.