I'm so getting tired of #BernieBros pouting.

I'm so getting tired of #BernieBros pouting. We get it, you think Bernie Sanders could have beaten #DonaldTrump. Well, guess what? Reality didn't work out that way. Pull up your fucking pants, wipe the tears from you eyes and the snot from your nose and get over it. Hopelessly wishing for an alternative reality isn't going to solve anything.

Originally shared by Sam Moore

The DNC says they can pick who they want.


Lars Fosdal said…
The BernieBros should hammer out their own independent party, and leave the DNC behind.
Joe Lancaster said…
Lars Fosdal given the vast majority of the country (especially democrats support Bernie, it is safe to say it is his party and the minority establishment figureheads should leave.
Lars Fosdal said…
Joe Lancaster - I would have thought that was the better way too, but judging by OP's lead comment - it seems it doesn't pan out too well. Besides, I bet there are numerous beureucrats in the woodwork of DNC that will fight tooth and nail to keep their clout within the organisation and not play ball with the new management.
Mari Christian said…
Considering Bernie and his oh so pure supporters threw the election toward Trump, it makes me sick to see Bernie pontificating on TV about how Trump is subverting our democracy.
Lars Fosdal said…
Mari Christian - Two wrong doesn't make a right. Watching from outside the US, it appears that Trump's administration is tearing at the very fabric of the US.
Dan Weese said…
Curiously, amongst all the Bernie Sanders people I know (I worked for him kinda hard here in Wisconsin, we won the primary) - nobody's weeping or blowing their noses. What is this, some sort of Matt Taibbi parody? We didn't particularly like Hillary Clinton, a known quantity, as convincing as a three dollar bill in our opinion - an Obama retread, yeah, we worked really hard getting Obama elected in 2007, only to have him give us the Stiff Arm of Refusal - and preside over the expulsion of more undocumented people than even Bush43 - and preside over the creation of a police state the likes of which would give Joseph Stalin a hard-on the size of Babe Ruth's baseball bat.

No, those whom the gods would destroy, they grant wishes. The DNC got its ass beat down good and hard - did they learn anything? No they didn't. Same idiots in charge, same sorry consultants taking all those campaign dollars, same idiotic strategies which have lost them over 900 elected offices in recent years...

And you want to call us Bernie Bros, because we're supposedly wishing for an alternative reality? Y'all get a new alternative reality every fucking day or two, depending on what Our Preznit believes. We'll stick with the facts as we see them, that the Democratic Party can't find its own ass in the dark with a map and a flashlight.
Joe Lancaster said…
Lars Fosdal yeah no doubt it's a near impossible battle. They would rather republicans stay in power than turn over the party to the people.

But that's where groups like #JusticeDemocrats come in. Primary them all one by one and chip away at it.
Dan Weese said…
Lars Fosdal I don't think we have to worry about packing our boxes and leaving. The Democratic Party is already in self-destruct mode.
Lars Fosdal said…
Dan Weese Wouldn't that be an even bigger incentive for separating from it?
Joe Lancaster said…
I agree that the name is tarnished. I mean they handed the presidency to Trump because they didn't listen. But I feel that creating a new party might be even harder than taking back the Democratic one.
Dan Weese said…
Joe Lancaster Yeah, it's all so much cognitive dissonance. The Democratic Party hasn't entertained an original thought since Lyndon Johnson. It's going to be kinda like the formation of the original Republican Party, from the wreckage of the Whig Party, with Abraham Lincoln as its first president - really, their first candidate, truth to tell.

It's not as if the Democratic Party should be abolished and some newly-minted Progressive Party jump up on the stage, though that's what it took with the Whigs. The old Democrats need to be hustled off the stage and awarded honorary positions in some blue ribbon committee and all their reports quietly shoved down /dev/null . They simply can't win elections.

Miss Havisham figures, still sitting there all jilted, with that rotten wedding cake still sitting there. They're ghastly old manipulative hags. Get them the fuck off the stage immediately and start putting some people born after 1960 in there. They're all too goddamn old. And I was born before 1960.
Joe Lancaster said…
Dan Weese couldn't have said it better.
Mari Christian said…
At least the French were smart enough to hold their nose and vote for Macron. Le Pen , like Trump was a threat to the Republic and had to be eliminated at all costs. Yes, even Miss Havisham would have been better than the old bag of guts and his corporate cronies we have now.
Joe Lancaster said…
While most reasonable people would agree even Hillary would not be as catastrophic as trump, apparently most of the country does not. While Bernie has a 40ush point lead on Trump in approval, Hillary's has actually gone down, not up, faster than Trump's. If the Dems fucked up as bad as the did the first time again, and had another election while installing Hillary as the candidate, they would lose not only the electoral college again, but also the popular vote this time. They just don't get it.
Bob Lai said…
What's really happening is the same dynamic that gave us the Tea Party - an unresponsive political party. And as the GOP continued to play 'status quo' politics just as the DNC is doing now.

Ultimately, nothing the DNC does will be good enough to satisfy Bernie supporters. That will likely reduce chances of regaining a majority in Congress, because neither side wants to budge.

Now, add the damage Trump and his idiot supporters have done - exacerbating the overall distrust in government - and we're looking at some serious, long-term damage to the Republic. No one wins.
Dan Weese said…
Mari Christian Miss Havisham is one of Dickens' most compelling figures. Everyone reaches different conclusions about her. Was she driven to manipulate Estella into being a heartbreaker, simply as a way of revenging herself upon the sort of man that Compeyson had been? Was she the sort of figure we see at Little League games, reducing their children to proxies for their own failed ambitions?

Dickens kinda cheats a bit, giving us a happy ending, reuniting Pip and Estella.

But in this case, the old Democrats are intent upon bringing down the wreckage of their party around their own ears. They're not going to mend their ways. They're still a collection of vicious prostitutes, still hookin' up with their sugar daddies, still hanging out with their no-count urban friends, still thinking that somehow, despite the failure of their message and the alienation they've created between themselves and the very people who most want them to succeed, that they can still wander around their ghastly old mansion, with the clocks still stopped at the moment that JFK was assassinated.
Lars Fosdal said…
IMO - the core issue is the link between money and politics, or more specific - between money and politicians.
Dan Weese said…
Lars Fosdal When confronted with the issue of Big Donors, the DNC hasn't take a stand against them since Russ Feingold who, may I add, lost his bid for re-election. The Democrats are whores and catamites, all of them. And those who think they might reform themselves should listen to that old Police song "Roxanne"

I told you once I won't tell you again
it's a bad way

Does anyone reading this comment think the DNC will stop turning tricks? Please say Yes. Somebody. Coz I don't think they ever will. And they're going to whore themselves into oblivion.
Joe Lancaster said…
Dan Weese certainly they won't stop willingly.
Joe Lancaster said…
#JusticeDemocrats have a whole list of issues on their party platform but only one single one is mandatory - getting money out of politics and leading by example. They cannot take corporate donor money. That's a great start.

WolfPAC is also making great headway (into getting a constitutional amendment to get money out of politics), but that path is loooonngggg.
John Hardy said…
Bitching about "Bernie Bros" is not exactly grown up behaviour Jason ON​​​​​​​. Recognising that there is a genuine difference of opinion about how progressives should proceed would be more productive. Given this difference, and the numbers involved, something is going to have to change going forward. Telling everyone to just shut up and eat their greens is simply going to get ignored.
Jason ON said…
John Hardy not a Turnbull fan it's called a rant.

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