Is #DonaldTrump the culmination of decades worth of Republican policy?

Is #DonaldTrump the culmination of decades worth of Republican policy? 

Originally shared by ****

Cynicism and contempt. Towards his own supporters.

Jared Kushner Once Allegedly Admitted That Donald Trump Lies to His Base Because He Thinks They’re Stupid
This is the president's most trusted adviser admitting to the fact that his father-in-law regularly lies to his supporters because he thinks they're dumb and will believe him. This is a man with no real morals, no real beliefs, but who is willing to peddle any sort of hatred or monstrous thought if he thinks that it will help him toward the nebulous goal of "winning."

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John Bump said…
I'd say more like 35 years of policy.
Roberto Bayardo said…
Definitely more than a decade, but yes.
Jason ON said…
Sorry, guys. That should have read decades not [a] decade's. Fixed it.
Marla Caldwell said…
Yes, when you encourage ignorance as a strategy to get and keep voters, eventually its going to bite you in the ass. Unfortunately, all the rest of us have gotten bitten too.
1) I don't care what Snopes says, the Hilary campaign invented birtherism.

2) it wasn't the turnout of what you call the"Trump base" that won the election, but it was the apathy of the Obama base that stayed home.

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