If you remember a couple of weeks ago I posted about a friend's coworker who committed suicide.

If you remember a couple of weeks ago I posted about a friend's coworker who committed suicide. Well, today I was conscripted to help clean out his apartment since he wasn't paid up for the month of June.

His mom and sisters all came out from Florida and I've had to watching all day as they try to understand what happened.

The worst part was cleaning out his bedroom where he hung himself. Touching the things his body evacuated on really drove his suicide home.

Now we're sitting here having a meal with his mom and sister at one point trying not to bring his passing up and, on another, unable to avoid doing so.

His mom is, understandably, taking it hard. His one sister is nearly catatonic to the point I had to discreetly ask if she was taking something. Oddly, his other sister seems to be taking it in stride.


The one that's holding it together may just be doing what's necessary because everyone else is a bit off kilter and then, later, will find time to break down...

I'm sorry to hear about this situation.

My thoughts are with you all.
John Bump said…
Wowie. That's awful. Good for you for being willing to help in a horrible situation.
Jason ON said…
Ben Hibben you might be right. By the time we were all parting ways the sister broke down.
Shannon B. said…
Ben Hibben yup. That's me in tough situations. "Can't feel right now, there's shit that needs doing. Feel later."
Jason ON said…
Just returned from his memorial service.
Jessica Nguyen said…
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Jason, my condolences to you and his family!!

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