I enjoyed Prometheus and am looking forward to Covenant.

I enjoyed Prometheus and am looking forward to Covenant.

Originally shared by The Atlantic

Why Prometheus Deserves To Be Taken Seriously http://trib.al/6GNzllG


Joe Lancaster said…
If you enjoyed Prometheus somehow then you'll probably enjoy Covenant
I thought Prometheus was gorgeous but that all the humans were incredibly bad at their jobs, rationality, etc. Beautiful yet flawed.
Dave Maez said…
Yeah, I don't know why people hated Prometheus so much? Did they suddenly think that a scifi/horror movie about killer aliens was going to be logical? I friggin' love the first two Alien movies, but they were just as silly as Prometheus, and not as good looking.
Jason ON said…
Yeah, the people didn't seem to have the most basic responsibilities for their jobs, did they? But, you only have two hours to make a movie work so common sense sometimes has to go.
Joe Lancaster said…
Dave Maez​​ I think the main reason for the hate was just that the movie was bad. I mean, not as bad as some of the hate implied (I gave it a 48/100, whereas a lot of reviews were acting as if it was the worst film ever created which is silly). And to be fair a lot of the poor reviews stem from it being compared to Alien and Aliens which is never going to end well because those were masterpieces.

Good news though if you liked it, because Covenant is basically Prometheus 2. And I'd say slightly better (52/100 from me).

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